Horrific Visions (Stormwind or Orgrimmar) not rewarding azerite gear
1. Horrific Visions of Stormwind and Orgrimmar end of visions rewards
2. At the end of horrific visions (stormwind or orgrimmar) the reward chest for beating Thrall/Alleria doesn't reward azerite gear, it only drops gear for wrist, waist, hands, legs and feet slots.
3. The chest should have a chance to also reward azerite gear (head, shoulder, chest slots) as well as the other five armor slots, but after dozens of runs I still haven't gotten a single piece
4. bfa 8.3.5 x11, checked multiple times in the span of a 4~5 months
5. it was always present
7. Finish a horrific vision by killing the last boss (Thrall or Alleria) and check the loot from the reward chest