Renew ticks can proc the Discipline passive [Divine Aegis], benefiting from the Discipline mastery [Shield Discipline], but will not proc the Holy mastery [Echo of Light]. However, Echo of Light is procced by the direct heal component granted by [Rapid Renewal].
То есть периодическая часть Обновления не дает отблеска света, а мгновенная его часть дает. На вовпедии можно глянуть и более старые статьи по обновлению, но суть та же. У дисципл пристов периодическая часть обновления дает прок Божественного покровительства.
I know it is a little to late to ask but why our mastery doesn't affect renew?
Did deve team ever give an explanation?
Since every healing spells we have work with mastery, why renew got left out?
I know it is greedy to ask mastery to work on every healing spells we have.
Paladins don't mastery on all of they spells e.g. hots of holy raidiant, etc. but they have much valuable secondary status to stack, like haste and crit.
Нытьё два:
Renew ticks don't proc Echo of Light. Divine Touch does, but if you think that suddenly kills your Echo of Light, you have no idea how HoT/DoT refreshing works in Cata.
Самому не хотелось разочаровываться, но факт есть факт.