Не нашёл ничего толкового в доказательство заниженного шанса прока... Разве что цитату с http://elitistjerks.com/f79/t110302-enhsim_cataclysm/:
....I got 54 procs in 1348 hits in my small test. In our raid today our fury warrior with his much slower weapons got 134 procs in 2433 hits....
То есть шанс прока более 4%. (у нас согласно моему последнему тесту - около 3.5%)
И те же комментарии с вовхеда:
Hunter Testing:
Overall the trinket procced 143 times from 5100 shots, or a proc chance of 2.8%.
...From my testing it is more a straight 3% chance on hit with no real modifiers...
(у нас 2.3%, правда это для дк (2.6 скорость пух), и триня с силой)
The card is actually BiS pre heroics to all DW classes simply because of that great strength buff and then the chance to cause additional dmg. Any class that dual wields will absolutely want this pre raids since it wont be replaced by any of the easier bosses. This combined with license to slay is absolutely great for DW dps.
Надо больше тестов.