RAIDER, неплохо так.
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RAIDER, неплохо так.
сори за оффтоп, а когда был вайп?
З.Ы. Где то видел, писали еще, что гарга криво пашет со скоростью от анхоли. Она не запоминает скорость со стойки. Кто знает, как должно пахать и у кого есть достоверный источник, запилите баг репорт, если оно криво пашет.
З.З.Ы. Проверял на х5. Не запоминает.
кстате проверил что лудше болезненность или звкк и пришел к выводы что и то и то примерно равны, при моем рпб в 62.88%. так воооооопще пох DDD
27 сентября вроде был вайп . вот тема вот достоверный источник...
ищи то что нужно и пили репорт
один хрен в раздел дк в багтрекере рамусик не заходит
p/s большинство гайдов это переводы с этилистов ток чутка переофорленные так что смысла недоверять автору гайда на цыркле нет
Всем привет
как и обещал выкладываю дпс с этого кд
мальца не фортануло с волей :(
перечитал все от а до я. Там есть упоминание, что наш питомец, тоесть гуль,копирует наши силу, мастерство, меткость, и хасту по определенной формуле и если его призвать в анхоли стойке он будет валить быстрее, а о гаргулье и о скорости от анхоли стойки нету ни слова, так что все ок с нашей гаргульей.
Summon Gargoyle
Summon Gargoyle isn't terribly complex in its use. Your Gargoyle scales with your attack power and haste based on the moment it was cast, and will retain those exact stats for its entire duration. Try to wait on using it until all of your procs coincide, however, don't let this make you miss an opportunity to cast it. Summoning your Gargoyle three times in a fight is better than only summoning it twice, regardless of procs. As such, figure out how many times you'll be able to use it based on the fight length. Try and use it at some point during Heroism's duration - it needs to be popped AFTER Heroism is cast, while the buff is active on you, to benefit (unlike a Moonkin's treants). This is also the time to pop your Potion of Speed.
Also remember, your Gargoyle has horrid AI. It will not attack Yogg-saron’s brain if summoned within the brain room (but will attack the brain if you summon it before entering the brain room) and will (usually) only melee XT Deconstructor’s Heart. Get familiar with odd instances such as these; know when your Gargoyle will and will not attack, so you don't waste 60 RP.
Your Gargoyle will follow the same commands you give your Ghoul (i.e, follow, stay, attack, etc), so you can move it out of AoEs such as Shock Blast – however you are best off simply waiting until immediately after such spells to go off to summon it.
Ghoul Specific Mechanics
With your Ghoul being one of your highest sources of damage, and the primary tool which sets an Unholy DK apart from other DKs, there are some basic numbers to know about it.
Ghouls work like most permanent pets, receiving a portion of your stats and can be buffed by the raid.
In terms of Paladin blessings, your Ghoul will receive the same blessings that the rogues are given. If no rogue is present, your Ghoul will need blessings given individually.
Ghoul Strength (with talents + [DEPRECATED Glyph of the Ghoul]) = 331+1.52*Master'sStrength.
Ghouls receive 100% of your haste rating.
Ghouls have AoE mitigation, 45% for each point in NotD. This is both physical and magical damage reduction.
Ghoul hit rating rounds down. So if you have 7.99% hit rating, the ghoul will have 7% hit rating.
Ghouls gain expertise based on your hit rating. So if you had 131 hit (4%), the pet gains 13 expertise. 263 hit (8%), the pet gains 26 expertise. The Draenei hit aura does not give expertise to the pet.
Ghouls benefit from the 15% haste of Unholy Presence, but not the 15% damage of Blood Presence