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Changelog 2

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Тема: Changelog 2

  1. #1
    Получено благодарностей: 2 (сообщений: 2).
    Репутация: 2

    Changelog 2

    Festergut: http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=69291 lowers damage of http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=69290 no more.

    No longer reduces damage taken

    Professor Putricide: fixed damage of melee attack of Mutated Abomination

    Забыл по как это называется в грамматике, но если часто оф оф оф то это лажа.

    Melee attack damage ( либо Melee damage ) of Mutated Abomination

    Fixed damage of melee attack of Ymirjar Warlord NPC.

    Melee attack damage of Ymirjar Warlord NPC.

    Forge of Souls: fixed moving of Spiteful Apparition (Ambient) NPC.

    Fixed movement course of Speteful Apparition
    The Lich King:
    * Part of http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=69409 damage (that is dealt after 5 seconds) is no more lowered by magic resistance

    Is no longer lowered by magic resistance

    Val'kyr Shadowguard now comes back after throwing a character away

    " now comes back " returns/ goes back .

    Val'kyr Shadowguard selects only players as targets for http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=73488.

    Chooses only players as targets

    Damage of http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=71940 is now influenced by magic resistance.

    is now effected by magic resistence

    The Ruby Sanctum:

    Ruby sanctum без зе
    Fixed amount of targets and target selection of http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=74502 spell.

    Amount - это сумма, например сумма денег.

    Number of targets and targets being chosen
    Fixed a bug, when the boss could cast http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=75125 to the side opposite to current target.
    * Fixed a bug, when a copy of boss could cast http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=75125 to the side opposite to current target.

    to the side opposite ( in the opposite direction или opposite to)

    Fixed possibility to skin Icehowl.

    Icehowl is no longer skinnable

    Killing Gormok the Impaler, Acidmaw & Dreadscale causes saving an instance no more. It is saved only after killing the last boss of The Northrend Beasts - Icehowl.

    the last boss - final boss ( или sub-boss/ mini-boss) .

    Periodic part of http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=66331 damage is no more lowered by armor

    is no longer reduced by armor ( En-US) , armour ( EN-GB)

    Icehowl: fixed a bug, when boss could cast http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=66683 more often than he should.

    Fixed timing ( cast timer ) of the spell / Fixed spell timing.

    Kologarn: damage of http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=64710 spell is no more lowered by armor.
    is no longer reduced by armor

    * XS-013 Scrapbot can be provoked by Shamans http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=58582 no more

    can no longer be provoked by Shamans

    Fixed damage of melee attack of Unleashed Dark Matter.

    Melee attack damage of ..

    Fixed damage of melee attack of Dark Matter.

    Melee attack damage of ..

    - Auriaya: damage of http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=64688 is no more lowered by armor.
    - Yogg-Saron: damage of http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=64125 is no more lowered by armor.

    is no longer reduced by ...

    Fixed possible bugging of sky animation during transfer to third phase

    during phase 3 transition

    Thrall no more runs into textures after leaving Durnholde Keep.

    no longer

    Now after server reboot if it happened during dungeon pass, characters will have to complete the event with barracks once more to launch Thrall escape event.

    If server reboot occurs in the middle of dungein run , barracks event is reset

    Erozion offers Pack of Incendiary Bombs before you accept the quest no more

    Erozion no longer ...

    Fixed texts. Fixed position of middle portal

    central portal
    Fixed path of a boss.

    Movement course

    Removed required level from Feathered Arrow and D

    Eliminated/removed level requirements

    Glowing Twilight Scale now gains bonus from auras, that increase healing.

    Now receives bonus ..
    Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings now procs in case of extra healing.

    now procs from overhealing / excess healing

    Healing of Trauma is now influenced by effects that increase healing

    is now effected

    Fixed level needed for Heroes' Redemption Chestpiece

    Fixed requited level for ..

    Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings now procs not from hitting the target, but from healing spells, and absorption spells.

    now procs - по мне лучше заменить на triggered.

    is now triggered by either healing or absorption spells rather than melee attack

    - - - Updated - - -

    Это по инстам

    - - - Updated - - -

    За проки не помню , но вроде было так effect is triggered.. Это за трини и валаниры..

  2. #2
    Игровой мастер WoTLK x100, BfA x11 & Shadowlands x5 Аватар для EvTech
    Получено благодарностей: 3,256 (сообщений: 2,106).
    Репутация: 8754
    Варианты, которые тоже допустимы. По некоторым пунктам в корне не согласен.
    Если будет конкретика именно с ошибками - присылайте в ЛС, рассмотрим.
    Последний раз редактировалось EvTech; 01.11.2018 в 00:38.
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