1. https://wowroad.info/?npc=32446#
2. The speed that Sindragosa rises and flies up is much much faster than back in retail ( the problem is that she rises and flies up too fast )
3. Should be slower , for example based on retail youtube videos players have at least between 5 ~ 6 sec time to keep attacking the boss before she gets out of range ( in circle wow the boss rises and flies out of range for the interval of time between 1 ~ 2 sec max , which is way to short based on retail sources: https://youtu.be/zopmjF3yUGs?t=357 < --- current time example of blizzlike rising animation and flying speed )
4. The issue have been seen in realm 100x wow-circle 13.02.2022 ( it was my first raid with guild Soulflayer )
5. I have no idea since when that issue exists, but wiling to play in circle wow at least until blizzard came out with wotlk once again <3
6. Sindragosa https://wowroad.info/?npc=32446#
7. Do a icc raid sindragosa and check how the " air phase looks like " ( you gonna see how fast she rise up that even ignore / skips the animation of it and immediately flies up faster than it should be )
8. https://imgur.com/0X2VME8 example of how is in circle wow that confirms the wrong rising and flying speed.