-Molten Core-
11121 Ragnaros
11986 Golemagg The Incinerator
13031 Lucifron
10193 Magmadar
12239 Garr
13032 Shazzrah
12129 Barron Geddon
12029 Majordomo Executus
15345 The Prophet Skeram
15658 Vem
15583 Battleguard Satura
15743 Fankriss The Unyielding
15739 Princess Huhuran
15509 Ouro
15778 Emperor Vek'lor
15786 C'thun
-World Bosses-
14992 Prince Thunderaan
8570 Onyxia
12449 Lord Kazzak
17887 Doom Lord Kazzak
18649 High King Maulgar
18698 Gruul The Dragonkiller
18718 Medivh
-Blackwig Lair-
11380 Nefarian
14367 Chromaggus
6378 Firemaw
6369 Ebonroc
9231 Flamegor
13992 Vaelastrasz
12649 Razorgore
9472 Lord Victor Nefarius
-World PvP Targets-
17822 Velen The Prophet
4527 Thrall
3597 King Magni Bronzebeard
7006 High Tinker Mekkatorque
-Black Temple-
20681 Akama
16642 Gul'Dan
21137 Illidan Stormrage
20465 Ghostrider of Kharabor
18419 Mistress of Doom
16040 Attumen The Huntsman
18062 Nightbane
16198 Maiden of Virtue
16188 Patchwerk
16035 Grobbulus
16109 Loatheb
16137 Thaddius
15928 Maexxna
16064 Gluth
15945 Kel'Thuzzad
16033 Sapphiron
11311 Jin'Do the Hexxer
15218 High Priestess Arlokk
11288 Bloodlord Mandokir
15217 High Priest Venoxxis
15219 High Priest Jeklik
15216 High Priest Thekal
7873 Gri'lek
15295 Hakkar
-The Eye/SSC-
20216 The Lurker Below
20662 Fathom Lord Karathes
20739 Morogrim Tidewalker
20235 Warlord Kalithres
20748 Lady Vashj
20023 Kael'thas Sunstrider
17729 Rokmar The Crackler
21976 - Arthas Small
24641 - Arthas Ghost
24949 - Arthas Regular
22235 - The Lich King without his helmet on
22234 - The Lich King With his Helmet on
24378 - EntSkinSoftBlue
23970 - KrakkenSkinGreen
23941 - FlyingNerubianRed
23942 - NerubianWarrior_Black
23943 - Nerubian_Black
23944 - FlyingNerubianYellow
23880 - CryptLordSkin_Scourge
23881 - CryptLordSkin_Dark
23882 - CryptLordSkin_Red
23884 - Forskaen Catapult
25082 - Frost Nyhm01
25083 - Frost Nyhm02
25084 - Frost Nyhm03
24978 - Penguin!!
24926 - LionSeal01
24927 - LionSeal02
24928 - LionSeal03
24929 - LionSeal04
23946 - PolarBearCub
23977 - Nerubian_Albino
24047 - TundraGiant
23681 - SuperZombieblack
23684 - AirElementalSkinBlue
23693 - MountainGiantCrystal_Skin_WhiteCrystal
23699 - FurbolgSkinBlue
23700 - FurbolgSkinWhite
23704 - DragonSkin1 Azuregoz
23772 - DireFurbolg_Red
23773 - DireFurbolg_Black
23774 - DireFurbolg_White
23835 - ArcaneVoidWraithBlue
23838 - WargenSkinBrown
24101 - Dragon_NorthrendGray
24102 - NerubianPriest_Green
24128 - NerubianPriest_Red
24129 - NerubianPriest_Blue
24130 - NerubianPriest_White
24137 - DragonSkin1Red
24139 - DragonSkin1Black
24140 - DragonSkin1Blue
24141 - DragonSkin1Bronze
24142 - DragonSkin1Green
24217 - KeeperOfTheGroveSkin3
24227 - StoneGolemSkinObsidian
24240 - SiegeTank
24273 - GhoulSkinGrey
24274 - SkeletonSkin
24275 - WightSkinWhite
24301 - NorthrendFleshGiant_Glow
24377 - BatSkinWhite01
24961 - AncientofWarSkinSnow
24954 - Magnataurblack
24942 - EtherialSkin_White
24873 - Magnataurblue
24834 - NecromancerGreen
24804 - NecromancerBlue
24803 - UndeadBeast
24802 - MountedDeathknightGreenGold_01
24800 - MountedDeathknightWhite_01
24789 - Regular CryptLordSkin
24793 - NecromancerPurple
24796 - GiantSpider
24795 - FungalMonster
24794 - MountedDeathknightDarkBlueBlack_01
24792 - FleshGiantSkin1
24787 - NewKel'Thuzad
24743 - BlueDragonFlight_01
24593 - Demon Hunter
24499 - SkeletonSkinGreen
24495 - SkeletonMage
24489 - CentaurWarriorSkinWhite
24484 - NorthrendFleshGiant_Glow
24101 - protodragon_NorthrendGray
24082 - SerpentSkinRuby
24083 - SerpantSkinBlue
24072 - FrostNymph2Winter
24071 - ArcticCondorWhite
24070 - CentaurWarriorSkinBlack
23749 - Velen
23684 - AirElementalSkinBlue
23709 - CarrionBirdSkinWhite
23723 - MountainGiant_Howling1
23730 - BoarSkinCrimson
23744 - StoneGolemSkinGrey
23745 - StoneGolemSkinPlatinum
23747 - NetherDragonPurple
23816 - NerubianSpiderlingSkinBlue
23819 - NerubianSpiderlingSkinBrown
23820 - NerubianSpiderlingSkinRed
23821 - NerubianCaster
23822 - StoneGolemSkinGold
23823 - StoneGolemSkinTurquoise
23829 - MountainGiant_Zangarmarsh
23912 - HarpyIvory
23918 - HarpyBlue
23931 - HarpyPurple
23951 - WapitiSkinArctic
23952 - WapitiSkinGreen
23984 - NerubianWarrior_Albino
25014 - Sappirion / Frost Dragon
25015 - Flame Dragon / Fire Dragon
24963 - Water/Snow/Freeze Wave
24954 - Snow Big Beast Thingy
24946 - A boat
24944 - Another boat...
24939 - Water Bubble
24938 - A Frost Troll
24935 - A >GIRL< deathknight
24931 - A Flaming Spear ( Like throwing it )
24930 - A BE Girl Deathknight?
24925 - A Webbed up... Something
24921 - Weird Green Gnome 01
24920 - Weird Green Gnome 02
24919 - Weird Green Gnome 03
24918 - Evil Gnome 01
24914 - Chair!
24911 - Blue/Demon Dragoinish Thing
24910 - A Frost Demon Hound
24905 - HELLSPAWN!
24897 - Blue Flower
24896 - Cannon Spikey Ball?
24895 - Another Flower
24892 - Snake? Tentical? Faceless One? Never know until WOTLK!
24890 - Red Flower
24889 - Lich Container
24882 - Red Flower
24868 - Caverns of Time - SandTower
24826 - Red Glowy Ball ( Kinda like a Crystal ball, except red... )
24807 - Arrow Thrower
24762 - Gun on Stand
24743 - Frost Dragon
24725 - Nether Dragon
24712 - Lava Holder?
24699 - Ice Void
24694 - Girl Deathknight
24690 - Ghost - Tuskarr?
24689 - Oracle
24685 - White Tustar ( or unless its a big fat dwarf with a beard :X )
24591 - Really kick ass armor
24590 - Undead * I think it walks like a undead in WoWAlpha *
24484 - Big Undead/Mechanical Beast?
24471 - Necrolisp ( LARGE )
24470 - Necrolisp ( Small )
24417 - White Titan ( Ghost )
24391 - Black Tuskarr
24339 - Blue Tuskarr
24256 - Can
24240 - Still in Developed Cannon
24213 - The Lich King ( Large )
24191 - The Lich King ( Larger )
24181 - Zul'Drak? ( They Descripted the boss as a big frozen dead Forest Troll )
24130 - Creepy Thing ( Funny when runs )
24013 - Gnome Vault?
23999 - Giant Furbolg ( Or from Warcraft 3 The Worlds Biggest Panda! )
23386 - Another version of 24591, Thanks to Kenage
22232 - Guy with Armor and Tatto's ( Thanks to Muffinstix )
22607 - A Little creature ( Thanks to Muffinstix )
22634 - Guy with NoShirt and Red tatto's ( Thanks to Muffinstix )
85798 - Red Gas ( Thanks to Muffinstix )
24992 - Scourge Zombie 1
24993 - Scourge Zombie 2
24994 - Scourge Zombie 3
24995 - Scourge Zombie 4
24996 - Scourge Zombie 5
24997 - Scourge Zombie 6
24998 - Scourge Zombie 7
24999 - Scourge Zombie 8
25000 - Scourge Zombie 9
25001 - Scourge Zombie 10
25002 - Arcane Ethereal
25003 - Ugly Mutant ( From the Dranei Startout )
25004 - HUGE mutant ( From above )
25005 - Leopard
25006 - Dead, Dark, Green, Smokey Guy
25007 - Hawk/Bird
25008 - Eagle
25009 - Giant Snake
25010 - A Colorful Human Mage
25011 - A Human Robed Ghost
25012 - A Giant Half Skeleton/Dwarf
25013 - Orange Dragon
25014 - Frost Wyrm
25015 - Fire Wyrm
25016 - Oracle
25017 - Emo Doll
25019 - Armored Dwarf - Female
25020 - Armored Orc - Male
25021 - Armored Troll - Male
25022 - Armored Night Elf - Male
25023 - Armored Dwarf - Male
25024 - Armored Orc - Female
25025 - Armored Tauren - Male
25026 - HUGE Dragonish thing
25027 - Human Male Cloth Armored
25028 - Dranei Female Armored
25029 - Squeeky Gnome
25030 - Brown Horse
25031 - Blue Arcane Patroler
25032 - QueerElf Pirate(Bloodelf)
25033 - Dranei Pirate
25034 - Dwarf Pirate
25035 - Gnome Pirate
25036 - Goblin Pirate
25037 - Human Pirate
25038 - Night Elf Pirate
25039 - Orc Pirate
25040 - Tauren Pirate
25041 - Troll Pirate
25042 - Undead Pirate
25043 - Bloodelf Pirate(Female)
25044 - Dranei Pirate(Female)
25045 - Dwarf Pirate(Female)
25046 - Gnome Pirate(Female)
25047 - Goblin Pirate(Female)
25048 - Human Pirate(Female)
25049 - NightElf Pirate(Female)
25050 - Orc Pirate(Female)(Gag)
25051 - Tauren Pirate(Female)
25052 - Troll Pirate(Female)
25053 - Undead Pirate(Female)
25054 - Human Pirate(Female)
25055 - Tauren(Eyepatch)
25056 - Human Female(Nothing Special)
25057 - Human Male Armored
25058 - Tauren Male ( Nothing Special )
25059 - Human Male Armored
25060 - Nightelf Female Armored
25061 - Orc Armored Male
25062 - Tauren Armored Male
25063 - Human Armored Male
25064 - Dwarf Armored Male
25065 - Undead Armored Male
25066 - QueerElf Armored Male
25067 - Orc( Nothing Special )
25068 - Human Male ( Cool Hat )
25069 - Human Pirate
25070 - Human ( Nothing Special )
25071 - Apple
25500 -- Guy in cool armor
25501 -- Red Eyed Saber
25502 -- Blue Eyed Troll
25503 -- Member of the Scarlet.
25504 -- Member of the Scarlet.
25505 -- Member of the Scarlet.
25506 -- Member of the Scarlet.
25507 -- Member of the Scarlet.
25508 -- Member of the Scarlet.
25509 -- Member of the Scarlet.
25510 -- Member of the Scarlet.
25511 -- Dead FrostWrym(a new mount*flying mount*)
25512 -- Armored Female Human.
25513 -- Random Troll
25514 -- Undead or Alive Bloodelf(looks ripped apart and whatnot)
25515 -- Giant Ghost Polarbear.
25516 -- a random dwarf
25517 -- a ghostish maybe even robotic? female thing.
25518 -- Random Human Female
25519 -- Human male miner.
25520 -- Dwarf male Miner
25521 -- Random Human
25522 -- Random Human
25523 -- Random (F)Dwarf
25524 -- Random Gnome
25525 -- Scuba diving Dwarf
25526 -- Scourge member
25527 -- Scourge member
25528 -- Scourge member
25529 -- Tusktar member
25530 -- Tusktar member
25531 -- Tusktar member
25532 -- Tusktar member
25533 -- Tusktar member
25534 -- Tusktar member
25535 -- Tusktar member
25536 -- Tusktar member
25537 -- Bones
25538 -- Bones with meat
25539 -- Bigger bones with meat
25540 -- Bones
25541 -- Undead or Alive Bloodelf Boss ( From above except cape is white )
25542 -- Zombie Scourge member
25543 -- Zombie scourge member
25544 -- Female Human Miner
25545 -- Scarlet Priest |
25546 -- Scarlet Priest |--- Funny Hats
25547 -- Scarlet Priest |
25548 -- Scarlet Priest |
25549 -- Ghost Tusktar
25550 -- Ghost Tusktar
25551 -- Ghost Tusktar
25552 -- Ghost Tusktar
25553 -- Black void
25554 -- Ugly random human
25555 -- Random human
25556 -- Random human
25557 -- Random human
25558 -- Random human
25559 -- Random Human
25560 -- Random human
25561 -- Random human
25562 -- Random Human(mage)
25563 -- Random Human(mage)
25564 -- Random human
25565 -- Random human(mage)
25566 -- Random human
25567 -- Random human
25568 -- Random human
25569 -- Random human
25570 -- Blue Flower ( C-C-C-C-OMBO BBBBREAKKKERRRR )
25571 -- White Horse
25572 -- Brown horse
25573 -- Brown with white Horse
25574 -- Black Horse
25575 -- Alliance Armored guy
25576 -- Alliance Armored guy(same as above)
25577 -- Alliance Armored guy(same as above)
25578 -- Alliance Armored guy(same as above)
25579 -- Gryphon
25580 -- Undead Deathknight(wearing start out gear for deathknight)
Armor Free
Bloodelf Female 20370
Bloodelf Male 20368
Broken Male 21105
Draenai Female 20323
Dwarf Male 20317
Gnome Female 20320
Gnome Male 20580
Goblin Female 20583
Goblin Male 20582
Human Female 19724
Human Male 19723
Nightelf Male 20318
Orc Female 20316
Tauren Female 20584
Tauren Male 20319
Troll Male 20321
Blue Whelp 9994
Blue Drake 24743
Blue Dragon 24176
Bronze Whelp 14720
Bronze Drake 27812
Bronze Dragon 14720
Nozdormu Shade 24934
Infinite Whelp 20515
Infinite Drake 27814
Infinite Dragon 27811
Red Whelp 956
Red Drake 6376
Red Dragon 24781
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder 27569
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder Human 28227
Korialstrasz 27570
Emberwyrm 23739
Lurkey 15984
Murkey 15369
Druid S3 [Bloodelf - male ] 24806
Druid S2 [Nightelf - male ] 28182
Druid S4 [Tauren - female] 28183
Hunter S2 [Orc - female] 28185
Hunter T2 [Bloodelf - male ] 23845
Mage S4 [Bloodelf - male ] 28169
Mage S4 [Dwarf - male ] 28170
Mage S4 [Gnome - male ] 28169
Mage S4 [Human - male ] 28164
Mage S4 [Troll - male ] 28203
Mage S4 [Bloodelf - female] 28168
Mage S4 [Gnome - female] 28165
Mage S4 [Gnome - male ] 28186
Mage T6 [Bloodelf - male ] 27801
Pala T6 [Bloodelf - male ] 28189
Pala S3 [Human - male ] 28188
Priest S4 [Troll - male ] 28203
Priest T7 [Nighelf - female] 28190
Priest S2 [Undead - male ] 28191
Rogue S2 [Gnome - male ] 28192
Rogue S3 [Undead - male ] 28193
Rogue S1 [Undead - male ] 23877
Rogue S4 [Bloodelf - female] 28222
Rogue T2 [Goblin - male ] 26444
Shaman S4 [Dreanai - female] 28195
Warlock S2 [Bloodelf - male ] 28198
Warlock T6 [Human - female] 28197
Warrior S3 [Undead - male ] 24450
Warrior S3 [Orc - male ] 28201
Warrior S3 [Orc - male ] 27900
Warrior S4 [Human - male ] 24706
Warrior S4 [Human - female] 28202
Warrior S4 [Tauren - male ] 28207
Warrior S4 [Bloodelf - female] 28017
Highlord Tirion Fording 22209
Grand Necrolord Putress 25006
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner 28213
Baron Rivendare 10729
High Overlord Saurfang 23033
Garrosh Hellscream 23006
Rhonin 16024
The Lich King 24191
Val'kyr battle maiden 24991
Highlord darion mograine 25444
Prince valanar 25514
Koltira Deathweaver DK 23920
Keritose Bloodblade DK 27404
Archmage Aethas Sunreaver 26770
Archmage Modera 26771
Floating Skull 28089
Mad Scientist 23875
Undead Human Male 49
Undead Human Female 50
17890 - al'ar
29133 - azeroth
23732 - fire draenei
28738 - bookcase
1060 - cow
19258 - blue crystal
19681 - big voidwalker
24860 - be invisible!
12349 - green slime
15676 - black qiraji battle tank
8391 - tiny lasher
27743 - blue dragon egg
27477 - piece of meat
20617 - sand crawler
25331 - alliance cannon
19013 - robot
19013 - huge ass rhino
14541 - alliance battle standard
28951 - brain of yogg'saron (clips ground if you are standing. try flying!)
15789 - c'thun tentacle
16622 - tiny cat
26506 - orb holder
28813 - corruptor tentacle (yogg'saron encounter)
28814 - crusher tentacle (yogg'saron encounter)
28815 - constrictor tentacle (yogg'saron encounter)
28816 - big iron golem
28817 - beast with 1000 maws (yogg'saron!)
28819 - turtle
28821 - kologarn's left arm
28822 - kologarn's right arm
28830 - copter that carries pyrite
28841 - chest portion of mimiron's vehicle
28844 - faceless one
28845 - giant mimiron
28866 - spectral tiger (tiny)
28867 - spectral tiger
28875 - flame leviathan
28876 - weird crystal
28879 - big white wolf
28887 - heart of xt-002
28890 - mimiron mount
28938 - archery target
28942 - tiny hodir
28949 - big rusted proto drake
28952 - big iron proto drake
28977 - thorim
28978 - tree (big!)
28979 - head portion of mimiron's vehicle
28988 - cool star animation
28989 - tree corrupted by yogg'saron (freya encounter)
28992 - big water elemental, very glossy
29038 - black void zone
29052 - blood elf with weird wings
29053 - human with weird wings
29056 - moth
29057 - plainstrider
29058 - wasp
29060 - tiny tiny xt-002
29070 - red rocket
29071 - land mine!
29074 - summoning portal
29094 - fish
29096 - oil slick
29100 - water revenant
29104 - big mechanostrider
29123 - floating white bal28l
29161 - sea turtle mount
6296 - blue frog
659 - spider
26557 - toy plane
16136 - damaged necrotic shard
16138 - big chicken
16146 - THE BLOB
21484 - essence of anger
21485 - essence of desire
21483 - essence of suffering
15556 - eye of c'thun
19874 - flesh beast
1397 - hydra
2830 - illusionary nightmare
2836 - loch ness monster
2838 - poor wittul gopher
28634 - iron roots (freya encounter)
28638 - kologarn's torso
28639 - green gas
28641 - algalon the observer
28675 - xt-002
19331 - mana wyrmling
19357 - tiny fel reaver
19368 - im watching you
19372 - broggok
23970 - oacha'noa
25703 - mine car
27901 - helmet
13730 - snowman
3127 - The Big Gun
23872 - whisp of ragnaros
27829 - trusty copper racer
21431 - illidan's warglaive
24019 - pedestal
22742 - portal explosion"
Присланное аудиторией PG:
gnome warlock s8 - 30535
/console morph 24507 - NE(f) druid, blue classic set
/console morph 17275 - NE(f) druid T1
/console morph 24865 - NE(f) priest T5
/console morph 18595 - orc warrior T7
/console morph 22963(23033) - orc warrior T6
/console morph 23677 - orc warrior T2
/console morph 22609 - NE(f) hunter T1
/console morph 24349 - NE(f) rogue A4
/console morph 22951 Drenei T6
/console morph 23297 - Drenei Priest T5
/console morph 22956 - Drenei pally T5
/console morph 22968 - Drenei pally T6
/console morph 22974 - Drenei mage T6
/console morph 21091 - NE felame T3
/console morph 21267 - red orc
/console morph 21946 - Drenei(male) T5
/console morph 28587 - warrior t7
s4 - 28207
s2 - 28201
s4 - 28222
s2 - 28198
зеленый шмот типо т6 и рога маленькие на голове) - 28197
т6 - 28195
т6 - 28193
s2 - 28192
т6 - 28188
т6 - 28186
s2 - 28185
т6 - 28184
т6 - 28183
т5 - 28182
s4 - 28176
s4 - 28170
s4 -28171
в кастерском сете с цлк) хз чо за сет

посмотрите сами) - 30983
s5 вроде, красный такой - 30511
s8 - 30535
/console morph 23117
/console morph 28304
/console morph 28413
/console morph 28491
/console morph 28589
/console morph 2810
/console morph 23972 - undead lock T7(213)
/console morph 23937
/console morph 23887
/console morph 23878
/console morph 23875
/console morph 23712
/console morph 23665
/console morph 23468
/console morph 23335
/console morph
24450 -
undead s3 war
/console morph 22960 - undead mage s3
/console morph 33999 - undead warlock s8
/console morph 23665 - undead mage T2
/console morph 24450 - War s3 gear
/console morph 21737(21749, 17976 ) - undead rogue T7
/console morph 21751 - undead rogue T7
/console morph 21959 - undead male(pink glass+tuxedo)
/console morph 22111
undead male 22111
Mage а2 - 35610
Rogue т8 - 35601
Mage a1 - 34873
Mage t8 - 34678
/console morph 28413 warrior a5
/console morph 26413 mage 60 lvl pvp set
/console morph 30000 t9 warlock
/console morph 28589 - rogue a5(3)
/console morph 30878 - rogue T10