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<Reaper Legion> English speaking guild

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  1. #1
    Получено благодарностей: 3 (сообщений: 1).
    Репутация: 3

    <Reaper Legion> English speaking guild

    Yes, the only and most populated ENGLISH SPEAKING guild on this realm is still very much alive! There were a lot of changes, so for those searching for some info are we still here - yes we are :) For the new peeps - warm welcome <3 just type /who Reaper Legion to check us out <3

    Due to GM change - we stopped raiding ICC 25nm, since Holidays hit us hard and yes, there are still people that don't know about join /English channel so we are lacking with active people at the moment, but we are slowly recovering. Although, we are doing at least 2 ICC 10nms per week (most of the time we do 3 of them per week). ICC 10hc 12/12, every saturday if we have geared people for it. We are also doing every other raid to help out lowbies in gearing and also checking their capability of listening to Raid Leader and doing their class.

    For Russian players: Of course you can join as long as you have, as I would say, "advanced" of basics communicative skills in English language. If you are not sure did you understand something properly, out of 6 officers - 2 of them are native Russian speakers (one from Kazakhstan, one from Russia).

    Raid times: 20:00 SERVER TIME. There is a break at Monday. As for the rest of the days, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are always switching places as "day off", depends on people responsibilities in real life.

    Much love, the GM of the RL <3

  2. 3 пользователей сказали cпасибо pepetangodj за это полезное сообщение:

    osiklfc (24.03.2019),skat331 (09.02.2019),Вилшер (02.01.2019)

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