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Исправлено Army of the Dead (PVE)

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  1. #1
    Гуру Аватар для Persefone
    Россия,город-герой Севастополь
    Получено благодарностей: 72 (сообщений: 40).
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    Post Army of the Dead (PVE)

    1. http://cata.wowroad.info/?spell=42650
    2. Абсолютно не скалируется от меткости и скорости Рыцаря смерти.Так же они абсолютно не имеют скалирования от АП
    3.Призывает войско вурдалаков, которое будет сражаться за рыцаря смерти. Прислужники будут провоцировать всех противников и нападать на все, что видят. Пока рыцарь смерти поддерживает заклинание "Войско мертвых", получаемый им урон уменьшается на величину, равную сумме вероятностей уклонения и парирования.
    4.Скорее всего всегда.
    5.10/10 Ибо бурст абилка,в пве в данный момент бесполезна

    Пруф с EJ .
    Army of the Dead will take a snapshot of your AP, haste, and hit at the time summoned.
    Пруф с гайда
    Как и в крови или фросте, вурдалаки,армия мертвецов будут фиксировать ваш АП, хаст и хит на момент их вызова. Изменения в этих статах после каста не будут влиять на ваших петов. Другие статы - крит, искустность и подобные - на петов вообще не влияют.
    Пруф с вовики,Анхоли презенс также влияет на скорость атаки войска,как и героизм кинутый до вызова
    Unlike most other guardian pets, ghouls cannot benefit from Bloodlust/Heroism directly. However, if these spells are active on the player prior to summoning the ghouls, they will benefit from the added haste. Additionally, effects that increase damage done by a percentage, such as Blood Presence or Bone Shield will not increase their damage, however, the haste added from Unholy Presence will.

    Некоторые особенности работы данного спела:

    Скрытый текст

    Гули должны иметь три абилки, а именно :
    а) Прыгать на автокасте в таргет б) Агрить все что движется в) Просто цапать на 150% урона
    "Stuff to know about the ghouls this spell summons :

    -It is nearly impossible to take aggro from the ghouls. Even through taunting (wich will fail most of the time), if you actually manage to get aggro, one of the ghouls will take it back in less than a second. This is not true against raid bosses. The Ghouls won't taunt mobs that are flagged as "Boss" in-game (level ?).

    -The ghouls will use two abilities : Claw (wich deals 150% normal damage and is an instant attack) and Leap (wich is a Charge that will get the user behind the target, instead of taking the shortest way to get in range, that will be usable in combat and that looks really when the whole pack of ghouls leep to their target). The Leap is more useful than it appears : not only will it get the ghouls at the best place to DPS (except against most dragons ennemies, like Onyxia, where you should deactivate the automatic use, and send your ghoul to the dragon after placing yourself, but that's not the subject since you can't control the Army ot the Dead Ghouls) and give them high mobility, it will also bring them instantly to the ennemy you would have, say, Death Gripped if they are far away from it.

    -The gouls will die after 40 seconds, if not killed before that. That timer starts at the first moment where you can select them with the /target Army of the Dead Ghoul command.

    -The ghouls only take 10% damage (90% damage reduction) from area of effect spells, even without the Night of the Dead talent (that talent gives your personnal ghoul (pet given from Master of the Ghouls) the same area-of-effect damage reduction), meaning they'll be fine even by staying near any NPC using a nova-like spell.

    -The ghouls' taunt has a 30- or 40-yard range (needs confirmation), so once they engage a mob, any mob within that taunt range will also be pulled. Always keep that in mind cause it can really screw you -- and your raid -- up (as an example, do not use Army of the Dead against Anub'Arak's phase 3 (in ToC) if not all of the adds are dead, cuz the ghouls will probably pull the add off the ice).

    -The ghouls' melee swings represent 60% of the damage they deal during their 40-second life. The remaining 40% are from the Claw ability.

    -Each ghoul will use their Claw ability about 10 times if they've been in combat and in range of using it during the 40 seconds while they are active.

    -Each Ghoul will have about a fifth of your current maximum health when the spell is casted.

    -The ghouls hate Holy Wrath.

    -The ghouls have a Northrend ghoul sound-file, but a "normal" ghoul model and skin.

    -The strength, stamina and attack speed (originaly one attack every two seconds) of your ghouls will vary dependantly with your own strength, stamina and haste, respectively.

    As a quick summary, Army of the Dead will summon 8 copies of a pet-ghoul that will deal 50% less damage and will be a lot more frail (mine have 8K hp each when my personal ghoul has 31K), will not have Gnaw or Huddle and will have a +20000% generated AoE threat (that last estate is exagerated, of course ...), even if you don't have the Master of the Ghouls talent.

    About the spell itself :

    -You summon 2 ghouls per second with the Army of the Dead spell, wich is channelled for 4 secondes (total of 8 ghouls). They use energy as a ressource. The ghouls will pop out from the ground faster and the total cast time will be reduced proportionaly to your haste.

    -While you channel this spell, you will have a damage taken reduction equal to the sum of you dodge chance and parry chance. If you have 10% dodge and 20% parry, while you channel Army of the Dead, all damage done to you will be reduced by 10+20=30%.

    -You can be stunned while chanelling this spell. Use your Icebound Fortitude to prevent that.

    -You can be interrupted by spells such as Kick while chanelling the spell, but you won't have a channel-time penalty for taking damage.

    -It is a Shadow-type spell. You won't be able to use Death Coil or Death and Decay after being interupted by a Kick / Pummel, etc.


    http://pixs.ru/showimage/WoWScrnSho_9110180_9861672.jpg - 1. видно мою меткость и кол-во промахов у войска (в %), 2.Видно кол-во АП и скорость и кол-во всех атак
    http://pixs.ru/uploaded/WoWScrnSho_7...61703_5700160/ Нанесенный урон 40к. при 20к+ Силы атаки

    А теперь скриншоты с голого дк на орде :
    http://pixs.ru/showimage/WoWScrnSho_1478918_9861707.jpg - 1.Кол-во атак такое же,при скорости меньше на 10%.2.Сила атаки меньше на 4 с лишним тысячи.Кол-во промахов все тоже
    http://pixs.ru/showimage/WoWScrnSho_7852658_9861717.jpg - Самое интерестное,При разнице в 4 лишним тысячи силы атаки,разница в уроне составляет всего 1-2к демага DЗависит от того как кританет.Но все таки....1к??Вы серъездно?

    UPTADE ^_^ ,решил снять весь гир и глянуть имеют ли они хоть какое-то скалирование от АП
    Итоги улыбнули
    http://pixs.ru/showimage/WoWScrnSho_9387521_9861761.jpg -кол-во атак,промахи и прочее.Что самое интерестное кол-во атак даже больше чем при одетом эквипе
    http://pixs.ru/showimage/WoWScrnSho_6188588_9861772.jpg -Урон
    Последний раз редактировалось Persefone; 21.01.2014 в 01:55.

  2. 8 пользователей сказали cпасибо Persefone за это полезное сообщение:

    Alucard (06.05.2015),Elite (07.02.2014),iceline (26.11.2013),Tiqers (21.09.2015),Zippon (04.06.2016),Альварес (08.12.2013),Салыч (18.09.2015),киви (25.10.2015)

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