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WoW Circle PvP Tournament(English version)

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  1. #1
    Куратор проекта
    Получено благодарностей: 53,495 (сообщений: 7,174).
    Репутация: 58839

    WoW Circle PvP Tournament(English version)

    The idea to organize the PvP tournament for the players of different servers came to us quite spontaneously. Such thoughts came to my mind some time before but we didn’t have an opportunity to hold the competition till now. Today we decide to pause the development of the cross-realm because of some problems, and finish it a bit later with a fresh mind, and to fill this pause we organize the PvP tournament. It will be held on 3 World of Warcraft patches, which our server works with.

    We analised the previous tournament, that was held 1.5 years ago and took into account all of your comments and suggestions, that’s why this time everything will be more smooth and showily.

    Keeping the traditions we worked hard over few updates to fix the critical bugs before the tournament, and nearly all of them will be fixed by the start of the event.


    - Maximum operability of the PvP content, improved by our team during last months.
    - Separate server dedicated for the tournament.
    - Separate realm with the cloth/professions vendors, that will give you everything to prepare your character for the battle.
    - The only 3x3 arena bracket, all the other brackets will be turned off.
    - The tournament will last for nearly 1.5 weeks on each patch, and the whole event will last for just over a month.
    - The tournament will be devided into the periods: first the qualification will take place, then the 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 rounds and the final battles. The terms of the rounds are listed below.
    * For TBC and Cataclysm, after qualification start 1/4, not 1/8.

    Promo video: http://youtu.be/jnehNtkhkxk

    Stream: www.twitch.tv/wowcircletv

    The terms:


    Status: tournament is finished.

    Winner: team "фыв" and its members: Druidx, Magex, Armada.

    Record the final battle: http://youtu.be/wrRrErdwcas


    Status: tournament is finished.

    Winner: team "rest in peace" and its members: Freshtodeath, Hiroxz, Killer.

    Record the final battle: http://www.twitch.tv/wowcircletv/b/521564022 + http://www.twitch.tv/wowcircletv/b/521575820


    Status: tournament is finished.

    Winner: team "lets try it out" and its members: Kolyaptiza, Johanx, Dedanius.

    Record the final battle: http://www.twitch.tv/wowcircletv/b/525468934

    You can get the answers to the most popular questions about the tournament there:

    The rewards:

    The total prize fund, that is ~12.500$(conversion from rubles) will be devided among the 3 teams in every part of the tournament.

    So, the prize fund on each of the 3 patches will be 4200$(conversion from rubles).

    - For the 1-st place: ~1800$.
    - For the 2-nd place: ~1400$.
    - For the 3-rd place: ~970$.
    - The members of the teams, that manage to get to the 1/4 round will get 5.000 bonuses for their game accounts.

    We do not charge any entry fees from the participants, any team of any server can take part in the tournament.

    The news about the PvP tournament will be avaliable in this section: http://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=875

    The sections for discussing the tournament are here: http://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=875

    How to connect:

    - First, you need to create the new game account here: http://wowcircle.com/en/reg.html. While the registration choose the realm “tournament.wowcircle.com [WoW Circle PvP Tournament]”.
    - Then change the realmlist to: set realmlist tournament.wowcircle.com and wait for the beginning of the qualification.

    If you want to check your server ping, you can use this IP –, this is not a direct server IP, but it’s alright for the check. The login and game server IP’s won’t be pinged because they work under the proxy protection.

    Warning: Use your real e-mail address while creating the account. We will use it to contact you if you pass the qualification.

    You should follow this topic and the tournament section to find all of the new information.

  2. 1 пользователь сказал cпасибо n0n4m3 за это полезное сообщение:

    Нинель (18.04.2014)

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