Насчет Костяного Щита.. Вот наткнулся на интересный тред: http://forums.elitistjerks.com/topic...nking/page-125
Here's a WoL snip from when I was tanking Festergut with a 4-bone bone shield:
[21:50:32.360] Faol casts Bone Shield
[21:52:16.422] Faol's Bone Shield fades
[21:52:17.579] Faol gains Bone Shield from Faol
[21:52:17.579] Faol casts Bone Shield
[21:52:26.844] Faol's Bone Shield fades
[21:53:29.688] Faol gains Bone Shield from Faol
[21:53:29.688] Faol casts Bone Shield
[21:53:42.422] Faol's Bone Shield fades
21:52:26.844 - 21:52:17.579 = 9.265s
If you got hit a split-second after putting the shield up, and kept getting hit quickly enough that you were riding the 3s cooldown, you could see it last that short of a time:
0s Bone shield up (4 bones)
0.1s get hit (3 bones)
3.1s get hit (2 bones)
6.1s get hit (1 bone left)
9.1s get hit (no bones left)
Выходит у щита должно быть 3 секунды ICD? Сколько скорость атаки тухлого?