1. бонус комплекта Mage T12 2P Bonus http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=99061/it...e-t12-2p-bonus
2. Занижен урон , не верное заклинание "зеркального изображения"
3.Wowhead 2011-07-14 (Обновление 4.2.0)4. logon cata x100 26.04.2015Also the Mirror Image casts Fireball (not affected by glyph or talents) witch hits for 6490 to 7543 and is (as far as i can tell) not modified by Spell Power. Mirror Image casts Fireball with a 2.5 sec cast and manages to pull off 4 and a half casts before it disappears (half because it vanishes before it completes it's fifth cast), i know it's strange but it does seem to "lag" before each cast.
5. неизвестно
6. 2/10