1. NPC - http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=26725
2. Борейская тундра - кипящие ручьи
3. Процесс воспроизведения бага:

4. Процесс правильной работы:
  • http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=26725 должен бегать в духе волка между 3 ветряными мельницами, вызывая ветряных элемента лей, вращающих мельницы.

This Taunka runs in Ghost Wolf form between the three windmills around Taunka'le Village, in the Steam Springs. He summons wind elementals and tasks them with keeping the mills turning.
They're none too thrilled about this; partly because it's a menial task, but mostly because they're doing the will of a flat-faced cow.