1. http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=81749/atonement , http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=108281/ancestral-guidance , http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=15286/vampiric-embrace , httt://ru.wowhead.com/spell=124974/natures-vigil , http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=126890/eminence , http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=55447/glyph-of-flame-shock , http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=108211/leeching-poison , http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=108196/death-siphon , http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=51533/feral-spirit (http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=58879/spirit-hunt) , http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=108370/soul-leech
2. У нас хилят в % от обычного урона.
3. В PvP должны хилить в % от урона, который был бы без учета пвп силы (+% урон) и устойчивости цели.
Пруф: http://web.archive.org/web/201302101...46?page=21#418 (418 пост)
Скрытый текст
We're making a change to the way damage-to-healing conversions work so that the healing is not affected by resilience. The healing will be based on how much damage would have been done as if the target had no resilience. If you hit an opponent for 10K and have a mechanic that converts damage into 50% healing, your hit may land for 6K because of resilience, but the heal will still be 5K (50% of the unmitigated damage). This only applies to resilience, not to armor, Shield Wall or other forms of damage reduction.
This change currently includes Atonement, Glyph of Battle Healer, Ancestral Guidance, Vampiric Embrace, Nature's Vigil, Glyph of Siphon Life, Eminence, Glyph of Flame Shock, Leeching Poison, Death Siphon, Feral Spirit and Soul Leech.[свернуть]
Как это можно высчитать:
Урон * 100 / (100 * устойчивость цели * пвп сила персонажа)
Например, мой урон по манекену 100к. Если у меня пвп силы 55%, а устойчивость цели 80%: 100000 * 1.6 * 0.2 = 32000 (столько урона будет нанесено в PvP)
Но отхил должен расчитываться не от 32к, а от изначальных 100к.
32000 * 100 / (100 * 1.6 * 0.2) = 32000 * 100 / 32 = 100к.
Так же, на отхил всех этих спеллов должна влиять http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=134735
Пруф: http://web.archive.org/web/201302101...46?page=22#427
4. 05.06.16- Will they still be getting reduced by Battle Fatigue, or are those conversions set to ignore it as well?
Battle Fatigue will still reduce the healing.
5. 6/10