Cпасибо шлёпу за бан -_-
Касаемо пруфа:
От Maddona (862 – 2·9) 2009-08-25 (Обновление 3.2.0)
"Еще босс дизармится, после чего не может вешать дэбаф, дизармя босса роги и вары могут сильно облегчить работу хилерам и танкам."
От DrPancake (33,827 – 6·30·283) 2009-08-12 (Обновление 3.1.3)
Huge Note: You can DISARM this boss. He will not impale for its duration.
Khanor 2009-08-12 (Обновление 3.1.3)
can confirm as of now he does not seem to impale while disarmed, but he does appear (based on in combat observation) to impale immediately after regaining his weapon. i may be seeing it wrong though, we've only had two shots (on 10 and 25 at him so far as its the first week). edit: i should note my view is that of the tank so i was strictly watching for impale stacks.
Nightmynx 2009-08-14 (Обновление 3.1.3)
I can confirm your right
adenosine3p 2009-09-02 (Обновление 3.2.0)
This boss cannot be disarmed on the 25 man heroic mode. Our warriors simply got an 'Immune' message.
Bllets 2009-09-06 (Обновление 3.2.0)
Immune to disarm on 10man Heroic as well.