об обыкновенном, который вы признавать не хотите
[20:00:26.745] Sharinell's Fingers of Frost is refreshed by Sharinell
[20:00:26.745] Sharinell begins to cast Frostbolt
[20:00:27.682] Sharinell Frostbolt Lady Deathwhisper 8543 = этот урон не как не влияет на механику
[20:00:28.002] Sharinell gains Cultivated Power (2) from Sharinell
[20:00:28.002] Sharinell gains Clearcasting from Sharinell
[20:00:28.353] Lady Deathwhisper afflicted by Winter's Chill (2) from Sharinell
[20:00:28.472] Sharinell's Clearcasting fades from Sharinell
[20:00:28.712] Sharinell casts Deep Freeze on Lady Deathwhisper
[20:00:28.712] Sharinell Deep Freeze Lady Deathwhisper Immune
[20:00:28.712] Sharinell casts Deep Freeze on Lady Deathwhisper
[20:00:28.774] Sharinell's Fingers of Frost (1) fades from Sharinell
[20:00:28.774] Sharinell's Fingers of Frost fades from Sharinell
[20:00:28.774] Sharinell Deep Freeze Lady Deathwhisper *29256* (R: 3097)
[20:00:29.180] Sharinell gains Cultivated Power (3) from Sharinell
[20:00:29.455] Haadhun gains 25 mana from Sharinell's Replenishment
[20:00:29.455] Vantage gains 33 mana from Sharinell's Replenishment
[20:00:29.455] Water Elemental gains 14 mana from Sharinell's Replenishment
[20:00:29.455] Thyestes gains 38 mana from Sharinell's Replenishment
[20:00:29.455] Oxo gains 36 mana from Sharinell's Replenishment
[20:00:29.455] Bashh gains 31 mana from Sharinell's Replenishment
[20:00:29.460] Sharinell Frostbolt Lady Deathwhisper *17909* - вот урон от стерлы которая снимает пальцы задержка.
где ?
о том и речь
Последний раз редактировалось Dzeeen; 16.05.2018 в 07:37.