Error # 131. This error appears if some of the files of your game have changed.

possible error, as an example:
ERROR #131 (0x85100083)
Program: C:Program FilesWorld of WarcraftWoW.exe
File: Datamodel.MPQ
Also the cause of these errors can be caused by one of the following reasons:

The problem with the processor, the modification of settings, overheating.
The problem with RAM.
The problem with the hard drive.
Outdated software version.
Insufficient power of power supply (Bad power supply can cause numerous problems.)

Together with a game the program is installed restore the integrity of the game files, that can check and recover the damaged files.

If after using the recovery program file integrity error persists - uninstall the game using the uninstaller and completely delete the game folder from your system.
- Run scandisk program and then defragmentation of the disk on which you want to install the game. If you do not know how to do this, follow these steps:

1. Double click on "My computer".
2. Right click on your hard drive and click on "Properties".
3. Click on the Tools tab.
4. Start check program of errors and defragmentation.

Upon termination of work of these programs, reseat a game.
Note: make sure that you do not use the programs of strange producers or those that affect your interface in the game.

If after above-stated you still have problems with corrupted files, this can occur for one of the following reasons:

Perhaps, CD game disc was damaged.
The Data were uncorrectly copied on your hard disk.
Part of disk, on that information is copied, is damaged.
Data were copied, but were damaged through fault of viruses.

The ways of solution of such errors.

Try to install the game on another computer and start it again.
Try to install a game from the disks of your friends, or download from our website.
Run the utility 'chkdsk' for to check the hard disk for errors

Click "start", then "Run", type "CMD"(without quotes) in the resulting window, type Chkdsk and press Enter. Please note that by default, the system verifies that the drive on which your operating system installed.
Note: In most cases, this will be drive C:, if you need to check out another drive, type "Chkdsk С drive letter such as "Chkdsk D:".

Cases are known problems with hard drives larger than 127 gigabytes under the operating system Windows, not having updating. To update your operating system at this site: Also we recommend will appeal to the instruction attached to your hard disk, if you have.
Many manufacturers give useful tips on using 48-bit blocks on hard drives larger than 127 gigabytes.
Note: also check your computer for viruses.

The test processor.

Check the good condition of your processor (you can load plenty of the test programs from the Internet). Also recommended to reset settings of processor of default (in case that you tried to change his parameters, for the receipt of the best results). you can take advantage of the program Prime95 in an order to check your processor:

1. Download the program
2. Install the program on your computer.
3. When the program starts, click on the "Just stress testing".
4. In the options, select "Torture Test"
5. In the next window, select "In place large FFTs", in an order to check as your processor behaves at an overheat and in the mode of the maximal loading.
6. Click on "OK" to begin the test.
Notice: Make sure, that your computer is not running other programs in the process of test.

Check RAM.

This operation will help to find out whether it is not at your computer of defects with main memory, that can result in defects with files and setting of game. Technical support recommends to execute the test of memory, using Windows Memory Diagnostic, that can be loaded from a web-site Microsoft: or take advantage of this test

Check power.

This test may seem more more difficult, because it depends on the number used in your computer components. If you are using the power supply, the power of which exceeds or equal to 500 Watt, you should have no problems. But if the power of your power supply is between 250-500W, technical support, you are advised to use a more powerful power supply to run the game. If you are unable to start the computer with another power supply, in order to ensure that the problem does not come from him, we advise you to disable some of the devices of your computer and try to run the game. (Note: you can to disable: drives, unused PCI cards, USB devices).

Note: make Sure that no other programs do not conflict with the game.