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Banned from Legion 7.3.5 x100 Realm

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  1. #1
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    Banned from Legion 7.3.5 x100 Realm

    Greetings Traveler,

    I was playing on my account some skirmishes because my arena mate is gone for a few good days, so i thought i'm going to get that prestige level 1.
    Since I don't speak / read / understand russian, i don't really know what the server's rules are, because most of them are written in russian, and us (English-speakers, or non-native russians can not understand those, because google translate is broken sometimes) .
    So i was playing just a few minutes ago, and i was kicked out of the server, introduced my password, and i've recieved the error message that my account is suspended for Rule 1.8 by ANC . Since, i can not understand, or read the rule i broke, i'd love to be aknowledged about my ban .

    ~Account Informations:
    E-mail : railek7779@gmail.com
    Character Name that i recieved the ban on : Nømin
    Race & Level : Void Elf, 110
    Last thing done : Skirmishes and Broken shore World Quests

    Yours truly,

    I've found the rule, and i realized that the ban was given because my name is not accepted by ToS, which i personally find absurd. First of all, even if you break ToS (Otherwise than hacking, cheating, scripts etc.), you SHOULD get a Whisper by a GM where he should explain you what you did wrong, have a little chat, and than only than, he should choose to ban or kick you for a name-change, because personally i find it too harsh to be banned without being noticed at all.
    My logic is the following -> I'm banned 30 days now, so it is going to expire on 12/09/2018, but i may be a TARGET again to get a ban because i don't have an accepted name by the ToS . Please clarify me.

    Looking forward for you response
    Последний раз редактировалось Nomin; 13.08.2018 в 10:47.

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