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Updatepack 39 - 27.09.18

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  1. #1
    Призрачный флудер Аватар для Wwwlep
    Получено благодарностей: 11,202 (сообщений: 3,818).
    Репутация: 14431
    We want to introduce you the main fixes, done in 4.3.4 core during last 3 months in the period from 23.06.2018 till 27.09.2018.

    applied to logon.



    - Specified rules of cheking possibility to sit on a vehicle for passenger.
    - If a player somehow logs out during combat, he dies only if he was fighting another player.
    - Forbidden to publish web-links with the help of emotions.
    - Pet is now visible for his owner at any distance. It must solve some problems when player loses his pet out of vision.
    - Fixed a bug with reputation and profession rate reset by using a command that changes rates ".xp rate".
    - You no more need to perform a relog after using ".xp rate".
    - Fixed a bug when in some cases name of a location where player was could not be defined. Also fixed a bug with teleport out of dungeon for long distances, not to the graveyard.
    - Specified the distance of intercation of object and unit.
    - Fixed following the guide if the follower got into combat.
    - Removed demands of skill and race for the following mounts: ttps://wowhead.com/?item=1134, ttps://wowhead.com/?item=1041, ttps://wowhead.com/?item=1133, ttps://wowhead.com/?item=2413, ttps://wowhead.com/?item=2415.

    Dungeons and raids:

    Trial of the Champion:

    - Fixed work of first encounter.

    The Eye of Eternity:

    - If a boss is already dead and the platform is broken, your character appears on a dragon after entering the dungeon.

    Baradin Hold:

    - Argaloth: damage of https://wowhead.com/?spell=88942 spell is no more lowered by magic resistance.
    - Occu'thar: damage of https://wowhead.com/?spell=96913 spell is no more lowered by magic resistance.

    Blackwing Descent:

    - Magmaw: damage of https://wowhead.com/?spell=78359 spell is no more lowered by magic resistance.


    - Kar the Everburning: damage of https://wowhead.com/?spell=99567 spell is no more lowered by magic resistance.
    - Beth'tilac: damage of https://wowhead.com/?spell=98934 spell is no more lowered by magic resistance.
    - Lord Rhyolith:
    * Damage of https://wowhead.com/?spell=98492 spell is now lowered by magic resistance.
    * Damage of https://wowhead.com/?spell=98472 spell is no more lowered by magic resistance.

    - Majordomo Staghelm: https://wowhead.com/?spell=98229 aura now affects pets.
    - Ragnaros: damage of https://wowhead.com/?spell=99144 and https://wowhead.com/?spell=99224 spells is now lowered by magic resistance.

    Dragon Soul:

    - Warlord Zon'ozz:
    * Damage of https://wowhead.com/?spell=109391 spell is now lowered by magic resistance (applied by https://wowhead.com/?npc=57875 NPC before battle with a boss).
    * Damage of https://wowhead.com/?spell=110297 and https://wowhead.com/?spell=109396 spells is no more lowered by magic resistance.

    - Yor'sahj the Unsleeping: damage of https://wowhead.com/?spell=105671 spell is now lowered by magic resistance.
    - Warmaster Blackhorn: damage of https://wowhead.com/?spell=110095 spell is now lowered by magic resistance.
    - Players can now fight Hagara the Stormbinder and Ultraxion without killing Warlord Zon'ozz. Further raid run needs the kill of Warlord Zon'ozz.
    - Spine of Deathwing: implemented delay of https://wowhead.com/?npc=56341 spawn. Fixed visual bug.

    Cross server BG/Arena:

    - Dalaran Arena: fixed objects of arena.
    - Implemented ".solo join" and ".solo leave".

    Spells and talents


    - Fixed a bug, when some critical effects could not be counted in damage of https://wowhead.com/?spell=12846.
    - https://wowhead.com/?spell=30449 now removes https://wowhead.com/?spell=69369 and https://cata-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?spell=17116 from Druid, and https://cata-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?spell=16188 from Shaman (but does not steal them).
    - Damage of https://wowhead.com/?spell=87023 is no more lowered by magic resistance.
    - https://cata-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?spell=12487 talent now causes proc of https://cata-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?spell=44543.
    - https://wowhead.com/?spell=31687 - elemental is now in defense stance by default.
    - https://cata-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?spell=6117 now influences Priests https://wowhead.com/?spell=605 duration.


    - https://wowhead.com/?spell=51533 wolves are now in defense stance by default.


    - Procs of https://cata-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?spell=42463 are now considered to be magic attack.

    Death Knight

    - Fixed a bug with rune reset in case of miss.


    - 4 part set bonus of https://wowhead.com/?itemset=1058 now procs only after 15 seconds of bear form.


    - Fixed target of https://wowhead.com/?spell=34861.
    - Fixed health amount of https://cata-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?spell=78204.
    - Target of https://wowhead.com/?spell=605 gets PvP flag in a duel no more.


    - Implemented SPELL_AURA_MOD_DETAUNT aura (fixes 5 spells).
    - Implemented SPELL_ATTR7_NO_PUSHBACK_ON_DAMAGE attribute (fixes about 150 spells).


    - Fixed blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?quest=25134 quest.
    - Fixed blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?quest=10930 quest.
    - Fixed an exploit with https://wowhead.com/?quest=24636 quest, that allowed to get all passes on one character.
    - Fixed blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?quest=13236 quest.
    - Fixed blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?quest=12761 quest.
    - Implemented restoring https://wowhead.com/?item=35828 item when lost during completing https://wowhead.com/?quest=11886 quest.


    - Fixed work of https://wowhead.com/?item=45705.
    - Fixed work of https://wowhead.com/?item=44866.
    - Fixed cooldown of https://wowhead.com/?item=58142.
    - Fixed https://wowhead.com/?item=24429.
    - https://wowhead.com/?item=58489 applies PvP flag no more.

    Settlement, NPC, objects

    - Implemented script of https://wowhead.com/?npc=16856 NPC.
    - Implemented script of https://wowhead.com/?npc=16831 in Honor Hold tavern in Hellfire Peninsula.
    - Resettled blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?npc=23051 in Skettis of Terokkar Forest.
    - Fixed flight animation of https://wowhead.com/?npc=30275 and https://wowhead.com/?npc=29460.
    - Implemented event with preaching and penance in Silver Pavilion at Argent Tournament grounds.
    - Implemented script of https://wowhead.com/?npc=24014.
    - Resettled blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?npc=30330 NPC in Jotunheim of Icecrown.
    - Fixed an exploit with moving https://wowhead.com/?npc=33531 mount out of allowed range.

    * The date of the latest update and the current online can be learned in the game by typing ".server info" command, actual update 27.09.18.
    Последний раз редактировалось EvTech; 06.10.2018 в 12:21.

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