Hello, my character is somehow stucked on a taxi.
After i made a 'fix error' on the control panel for this char, i was able to use it, but every time when i log out/logging in, my char just start to flying on taxi again, and without any navigation just going forward, even inside the hill etc.
After a short flying, im teleported back to somewhere, but im still sitting on the taxi, and i can't leave it with with anything (typing /dismount, or trying to use another mount, to dismount this etc).
I upload a screenshot about the debuff i get before i teleported back to somewhere, i hope this help to find and solve this problem. I already fixed this error 3 times on the character panel, but it's just stopped in that moment, after the next relog i will get this bug every time again and again.
Server: WoW Circle 7.3.5 x4
Char: Teppikamon
SpellID for debuff: 208643