Logon: 3.3.5a x100
Name of Characters: Riruko, Himura, DopeMyOrc
Account Name: BlessMeGodYeah
Old email: Information for GMs
Last Login: 08/19/2021
Hi GM, good evening. I am from the Philippines and I do not speak Russian. Tonight I noticed that my 400 bonuses were gone and I checked to see what was wrong. I noticed that the email was changed from ************* to dbtrree@yandex.ru. This is not my email and I don't know who's email is this. Also the number written here 38091623**** is not a Philippine number. I also checked the IP under the history tab and this is a Latvian IP address. I can provide screenshots to support this. You can also check my account history. I rarely login to WOW Circle because I am playing other games. Anyway please help me change the Russian/Latvian email to a new one because that one is not mine. Please also return my bonuses if you can, thank you.