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Noseps account banned, it's just an abuse to be honest

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    Noseps account banned, it's just an abuse to be honest

    Like the title, my account is banned by Evtech without any logic... explanation :
    I was chilling in the game then a ru/uk player insult me with ru language.. then become friendly and told me it was a joke, then ask me if i know some ru insults, i said ofc and reply "idi nahuyi tvoy mama pidor" and it wasn't addressed to anyone.
    So the player just know how to manipulate wowcircle staff's/rules to his own will and just take a step ahead of me to screen me and make it like it was actually innocent from him and im the bad guy ?
    Why it's an abuse from staff ? Because if u just enter to any pvp zone or close to major capitals u will see a ruthless russian insults every 1sec and ofc no one is banned... only non-ru speakers that deserve ban. This is the way i see it, because it is what it is.
    https://forum.wowcircle.com/showthread.php?t=1061243 i made before this thicket in game and on forum and ofc no answer even the screen was solide and the insult is intentionally addressed to me...
    Anyway im not even playing serious on this server, so im not appealing the ban i just like to share something with the non ru/uk community's to see how wowcircle staff's work.
    Sorry for any eng speaker here its not even my first or 2nd language.
    Последний раз редактировалось dmgisrlybug; 22.03.2022 в 18:24.

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