So this occured on September 25 2024 at
approximately 8:08 PM MDT (GMT-0600)
20:08 on the screenshot.

This is yet another gold spammer
So that account Orling messaged me then right after that
another account messaged me with the same message
I can't get the name because it is in Russian. This can
be seen in the screenshot.

So there are TWO gold spammers messaging me with
the same message. Ban both accounts.

So I believe that Moscow Russia is GMT+0300
so this should be 5:08 AM in Moscow Russia when this
occured. I hope this time conversion helps you so you
can get rid of this gold spammer.

Screenshot of the gold spammer can be seen bellow

I used Google Transtlate to translate the image after to
see that this was a gold spammer.

This crooked Gold spammer both of them need to be banned!

I am turning my messages off again since clearly the
gold spammers on the 3.3.5a 1x server are out of control.

Jamie (she / her)

Gold Spammer September 25 2024 #2.jpg