1) http://wowroad.info/?spell=20375
а) С http://wowroad.info/?spell=20271 (желтая джага, с другими тоже наверно) идет дополнительный урон еще до 2 соседних целей (1+2)
С джагой и талантом http://wowroad.info/?spell=53696 (ранк 1 тоже наверно) идет урон от печати до 6 раз (1+5 или 2+4?)
б) С http://wowroad.info/?spell=53595 с глифом http://wowroad.info/?item=45742 (без него тоже неправильно наверно) идет урон до 12
3) http://www.wowwiki.com/Seal_of_Command_(old)
а)б)Under normal conditions Seal of Command will apply extra holy damage to the initial target, but this damage will not "spread" onto two nearby targets. However, if the paladin has spent at least 1 point in [Judgements of the Just], the spread will be applied, causing Judgements to damage three different targets when Seal of Command is active.4) 30 августа, logon1 wotlk x5Hammer of the Righteous' initial target will proc the seal, but its nearby additional targets will not. This means that 3 targets will be hit by Hammer of the Righteous (4 if the paladin got the [Glyph of Hammer of the Righteous] ) while the initial target plus 2 nearby ones will be hit by Seal of Command at the same time. In theory it is possible to totally strike 6 different enemies at once this way.
5) после фиксов 132 апдейта http://forum.wowcircle.com/showthread.php?t=155166
6) 3,45/10