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Rules of the tournament

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  1. #1
    Куратор проекта
    Получено благодарностей: 53,461 (сообщений: 7,160).
    Репутация: 58805

    Rules of the tournament

    In this topic there are the rules of the tournament, written in the form of answers to the questions.

    Question: Is the tournament only for the 3x3 brackets? Are the 2x2 and 5x5 brackets affordable?
    Answer: Yes, the tournament is only for the 3x3 arena brackets. The battles for 2x2 and 5x5 brackets will be turned off.

    Question: On which of the realms will the tournament be held?
    Answer: There will be a separate realm with all the vendors, needed to prepare your character for the battle. The characters from another realms will not relate to the tournament.

    Question: What equipment will be available for the tournament?
    Answer: In the vendors you will find such equipment as:

    TBC: Full A4 (5/5) set, 154 i-lvl PvP weapons, all the a4 offsets/non-sets, a bit of PvE equipment, there won’t be any Tier-6 (only a4 set).

    WotLK: Full A8 (5/5) set, 277 i-lvl PvP weapons, all the a8 offsets/non-sets, a bit of PvE equipment under the 264 i-lvl (no Shadowmourne, Scales, etc.), there won’t be any Tier-10 (only a8 set).

    Cataslysm: Full A11 (5/5), 410 i-lvl PvP weapons, all the a11 offsets/non-sets. A bit of PvE equipment, there won’t be any Tier-13 (only a11 set).

    Question: Will there be an arena spectator on this realm?
    Answer: Yes, you will have an opportunity to spectate the battles in game.

    Question: Will there be transmogrification on the realm?
    Answer: It will work on WotLK and Cataclysm, there will be no thansmog on TBC realm.

    Question: What are you going to do with the players, that boost arena rating in a dishonest way?
    Answer: The arena logs will be thoroughly checked everyday, and players, that boost ratings in dishonest way will be disqualified (banned). If they have an account on the wowcircle server – they will also get a permanent ban on their main account.

    Question: What about operability? Will it be like on other PvE/PvP realms of wowcircle or a bit different?
    Answer: The core of the realm will be the same as on other realms of the server.

    Question: How can the winners get their prize?
    Answer: They can get the prize for the 1-st, 2-nd and 3-rd places by the WebMoney or the PayPal systems.

    Question: In what way will you select the teams to participate in the 1/8 round? What is the qualification, why do we need it and how long will it last?
    Answer: The qualification will start with the beginning of the tournament and will last one week. After this week the top 16 teams of the ladder will get into the 1/8 round and the arena registration will be temporarily closed.

    Question: If we pass the qualification, can we have a substitute player for the 1/8 round?
    Answer: No, 3 major players, that will compete for the prize, are inscribed in the list of 1/8 round members after the end of the qualification.

    Question: Can I play for the 2 characters? What should I do if I get in the Top-16 by both characters?
    Answer: Yes, you can play for 2 and even more characters. But if you get in the Top-16 by both of them you will have to chose ONE to proceed. The team, that include your twink will be disqualified from the tournament. In such situation the 17-th/18-th etc. teams from the ladder will take place of the disqulified team in the Top-16.

    Question: Will there be a live webcast of the Tournament?
    Answer: Yes, every evening, starting with the qualification you will be able to watch the live webcast on out Twitch channel.

    Question: How many players can play on the server at the same time?
    Answer: We ordered an equipment specially for the tournament realms, that allow to host for 4.000 players without lags.

    Question: How will the winners be chosen after the 1/8 round?
    Answer: It’s rather simple, the team must win 3 battles.

    Question: Where can the ordinary players find the “Top-16” list during the qualification?
    Answer: There will be a special webpage, where you will be able to see the “Top-16” list of teams, their members and their ratings.

    Question: Which arena setups can players choose? Are there some forbidden setups or not?
    Answer: All the setups will be available except: teams with 2 healing classes, teams with two same classes (double shaman, double rogue, double paladin, etc.) and teams, that consist of 3 damage dealers.

    Question: Can I take part in all the tournaments on 3 patches?
    Answer: Yes, we have no restrictions about this.

    Question: Will there be professions? Will they need no leveling and no reagents?
    Answer: Yes, there will be professions, we plan to make a vendor, that will teach you the profession and all the recipes in a moment. We also plan to install the vendor with the reagents.

    Question: If you kill for 1 person in each team and the fight put 2x2, is there a limit on the length of the arena in this case?
    Answer: If within 5 minutes of the winner is not determined, it is considered a draw and no points earns no team.

    * The rules can be changed before the beginning of the qualification but not after it.

  2. #2
    Куратор проекта
    Получено благодарностей: 53,461 (сообщений: 7,160).
    Репутация: 58805

    Question: Will there be professions? Will they need no leveling and no reagents?
    Answer: Professions prohibited.

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