1. Талант Осквернение
2. Вражеская Оскверненная земля не имеет красноватого оттенка
3. Должна иметь красный оттенок
http://www.wow_head.com/news=185126/...s-updated-3-15Several persistent ground effects now display different visuals for hostile and friendly players. The following spells have the same visual effects for friendly players, but new alternate visuals for hostile players: Ring of Frost, Consecration, Desecration, Wild Mushroom, Flare, Ice Trap, Power Word: Barrier, Smoke Bomb, and Hand of Gul'dan. As a general rule, the alternate effects have a red tint or hue indicating they are created by an enemy player.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jZds0_CwIM смотреть с 14.20
4. cata x100
5. Было всегда
6. 3/10