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http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/...-Aura-Questionthe proc from shadowmourne has a 100% procrate on collecting fragments, so every melee swing, plague strike, rune strike, scourge strike, blood strike will grant you a fragment. with a 2.2 sec swing timer in unholy presence and with icy talons up you will turreting out those chaos banes :P]
I was curious about a little tidbit of information that I heard, regarding the Shadowmourne Chaos Bane proc. I am 4 shards away from my Shadowmourne, so I was scouting around reading up a bit more and I heard that cancelling the Chaos Bane (10s buff that grants 270STR) as soon as it is applied is a DPS gain over keeping it on.
Now, I know that the soul fragments can't be stacked up whilst Chaos Bane is up, and that they stack faster for us Rets (much like TAiaJ), so I am hear asking if this information is correct and if there are any lucky people here who have tried this.So in a way, the stacking STR bonus and additional AE damage is worth more DPS than the stacking bonus with the static 270 STR tossed in.Using the freeme addon i've read on EJ it's a 400 dps increase over the Chaos Bane proc.http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/15...e-cancel-aura/well for example in the lich king heroic 25 encounter p1 i had series where it would take 2 secounds to stack 10 shards again. its amazing :P
Its pretty popular with rets to cancel the chaos bane buff so they can keep proccing the damage for additional dps in raids (approx 400) and pvpThat's because rets have like a bajillion hidden procs.its not hidden procs,its that someone in blizzard decided that every single yellow /white number from rets should proc procsNow rets being the fags they are, the collect 10 soul fragments in like what? 2 or 3 GCDs, hence it's a lot better to cancel out that 1 minute buff (during which you wouldn't be getting any soul fragments) to simply refill 10 soul fragments (Have I mentioned that each grants 30 str?) and hit for 2kish dmg again in those 3 GCDs it takes to stack it up.