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С 10.03.25 на больничном, временно недоступен
Who's that walking up your block?
Pissed off with two glocks
With a 40 in his fist
And a fifth of moon rocks
Got his sleeves cut off
With marijuana tube socks
Smoking pot in the drop-top
Bumping Kid Rock
I'mma smoke another spliff
And chase it down with six shots
That guy's cockier than shit
Like a guy with six cocks
And I can't stop saying dick
Dick, dick and then cock
So talk shit and get socked
Or kick rocks and get lost
Or get dropped and get tossed
This hip-hop shit gets hot
This is not a pit stop
And I'm not gonna stop
Until I'm on the top
Like your mom on a cock
So when you see me in your hood, yeah, you better think twice
Let me give you all a muy poquito piece of advice
If you push me any further
It's the end of your life
And I'll kill you like the sixteen bars
I killed on this mic
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особенно когда в рассылку всем просьбы слать. НЕ НЕВИНОВАТАЯ Я
People say, I'm insane
And to put the brakes on it.
Lemme buy you a drink,
How 'bout a roofie, gin, and tonic?