Okay, Skiv, just ban me by IP so you could stop my pain. It's summer, and i can't play with my character in my spare time, because you choose to close the server.
Servers like LastWoW went from 1.5k online to 100 and it's been like that for 3 years now, but people still play, still level up characters and still donate.
I won't shut my mouth and stay like that, because i spent 18 fucking months of my life developing a character and you choose to close one of the most progressive 2.4.3 servers, because the population dropped for 3 months. And right now we can't see if it's going to increase because it's fucking CLOSED.
At one point i thought that what was made by Russia, will stay forever and what happened? I wanted to play here for the next few years, to just come from work and release the stress with my hard geared character.
You ruined everything, you don't know ANYTHING as a GM, because you will never feel the pleasure to play. The only way you'll see us is as cheaters that you came in to ban, NOTHING MORE. We don't have GM commands to add items, we bust our asses for months and at the end, our sweat and time gets shattered to pieces.
Thanks for wasting year and a half of my life, and probably a few more years of other people. I will come in every day and i will make a thread about bringing the last of the best 2.4.3 servers, and if you don't want me here, just BAN me. The only thing left for me is this server, i wont play WOTLK, i won't play CATA, i won't play PANDARIA nor i will play the fucking DRAENOR.
Open the server and just let us play, dammit, it's not like we didn't donate thousands of money to you, to shut it down like that.
The only thing we want is to play, and the only answer you give us is NO. Why? Because you will never be one of us, until you feel what it is to raid every fucking night for an year, to miss so much fun nights with friends, to bust your ass collecting items and at the end everything you busted your ass for is GONE.
And you banned Огнеяр, just because he was one of the guys who wanted it back. Now you can ban me, because i enjoyed playing in the x100 server. It's pretty easy to play with player's time, when you'll never be one of them.
The communism is strong here, why don't you listen to the people filling your pockets JUST FOR ONCE?