Updated Gift of the Serpent proc scalars:
Spell ID Spell Name Gift of the Serpent Proc Coefficient
119611 Renewing Mists 0.25
132463 Chi Wave 0.25
124081 Zen Sphere (Periodic) 0.20
124101 Zen Sphere (Detonate) 0.20
130654 Chi Burst 0.20
115175 Soothing Mists 0.67
125953 Soothing Mists (Statue) 0.33
132120 Enveloping Mist 0.25
116670 Uplift 0.40
130316 Uplift (Glyphed) 0.40
126890 Eminence (Self & Xuen) 0.27
117895 Eminence (Statue) 0.13
124040 Chi Torpedo 0.45
117640 Spinning Crane Kick 0.15
162530 Rushing Jade Wind 0.10
157590 Breath of the Serpent 0.20
157675 Chi Explosion 0.30
157681 Chi Explosion (Periodic) 0.02
159620 Chi Explosion (Crane) 0.40
115310 Revival 1.00
116995 Surging Mist 1.00
115072 Expel Harm 1.00