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Исправлено NPC - Призывник и Вербовщик Карвен

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  1. #1
    Наш человек Аватар для lyonyaseryo
    Получено благодарностей: 64 (сообщений: 55).
    Репутация: 64

    NPC - Призывник и Вербовщик Карвен

    1. http://wowroad.info/?npc=25317 / http://wowroad.info/?npc=25220, http://wowroad.info/?npc=25222
    2.1. Держат оружие в руках WoWScrnShot_081315_184730.jpg
    2.2. Нет скрипта между некоторыми http://wowroad.info/?npc=25317 / http://wowroad.info/?npc=25220 и http://wowroad.info/?npc=25222
    3.1. Должны только одевать щит и меч, если их отправили в казармы, а так они должны быть в расслабленном состоянии
    3.2. Должен быть скрипт
    4. 13.08.2015
    Последний раз редактировалось lyonyaseryo; 13.08.2015 в 22:43.

  2. 1 пользователь сказал cпасибо lyonyaseryo за это полезное сообщение:

  3. #2
    Получено благодарностей: 37 (сообщений: 34).
    Репутация: 37

  4. #3
    Наш человек Аватар для lyonyaseryo
    Получено благодарностей: 64 (сообщений: 55).
    Репутация: 64
    Один из комментариев wowhead-а

    Скрытый текст

    (Обновление 4.0.1)
    Civilian Recruits line up before the recruitment officers. The ones in Recruitment Officer Carven's line gets to have a conversation with him and be assigned a job in Northrend. These guys made me curious, so I hung around with them for quite a while and made a compilation of their sayings after eavesdropping on them.

    Here's an example of a completed conversation:
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: Yes, then. What is your trade?
    Civilian Recruits says: Blacksmith.
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: You're breaking my heart - I've quaotas to fill, you know? Can you wield a sword? Off to the barracks.
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: Keep it moving, people.
    The sayings can be any combination of the lines below.

    The line moves up and Recruitment Officer Carven will say one of these:

    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: Yes, then. What is your trade?
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: State your profession.
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: Your profession?
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: Your previous line of work, recruit?
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: What did you do before you came to Northrend, then?

    The Civilian Recruits will reply with one of these:

    Civilian Recruit says: Cook.
    Civilian Recruit Says: Farmhand.
    Civilian Recruit Says: Farmhand, sir.
    Civilian Recruit Says: Farmhand, m'lord.
    Civilian Recruit Says: Miner.
    Civilian Recruit Says: Minerm sir.
    Civilian Recruit Says: Shipwright.
    Civilian Recruit Says: Shipwright, sir.
    Civilian Recruit Says: Mason, sir.
    Civilian Recruit Says: Blacksmith.
    Civilian Recruit Says: Blacksmith, sir.
    Civilian Recruit Says: Carpenter.
    Civilian Recruit Says: Carpenter, sir.
    Civilian Recruit Says: Seamstress, m'lord.
    Civilian Recruit Says: Tailor. (this line seems very rare)

    Note: I suspect there is a combination for all professions saying "sir" "m'lord" or no ending at all, but, I haven't noticed any except the above listed, hence why I didn't add them. Let me know if ya find one!

    Recruitment Officer Carven will make a decision:

    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: Yeah. We could use some more of you. Report to the
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: Looks like we have room for one more... no, my mistake. That's a seven not a one. Hope you're good with a sword - report to the barracks.
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: I thought we had enough in your line of work, but it looks like we have some openings. Report to the civilian liaison.
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: Yeah. We could use some more of you. Report to the civilian liaison for work assignment.
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: Afraid not, friend. Here's your sword and shield. Report to the Barracks for duty.
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: Not anymore! Here's your sword. Report to the barracks for duty!
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: With a sword arm liek that? I'm afraid we need you in the front lines, my friend. Report to the barracks.
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: I do have some openings in your line of work. Report to the civilian liaison.
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: You're breaking my heart - I've quaotas to fill, you know? Can you wield a sword? Off to the barracks.
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: Yes, you're well seasoned in your field of work. Report to the civilian liaison at once, we need more like you! (this line seems very rare)

    After a recruit leaves when he is assigned a job, Recruitment Officer Carven will call for the line to move:

    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: Keep it moving, people.
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: Next, please!
    Recruitment Officer Carven Says: Next!

    The combinations seem completely random! So, it seems there are many, many possibilities before repetition happens! I may have missed some sayings, but I sat around for about an hour and a half listening in!

    Доказательство, что это было в 3.x.x

    Скрытый текст

    (Обновление 3.0.3)
    This NPC is actually pretty amusing.

    There's two lines of NPCs going up to 2 NPC's... Recruitment Officer Carven and Blythe.

    Carven will ask the NPC what their former profession was before they were drafted to Valiance Keep. They will say either Tailor, Cook, Carpenter, Farmhand or Mason. He will randomly assign them to their profession, or to a meaner extent, make them into fighters, and he will assign them with a bit of dry humor.

    Blythe's line NEVER moves and Blythe NEVER says anything, ever. Makes me wonder why the hell all the NPCs are lining up to see Blythe. :P

    Взято: http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=25222#english-comments
    Последний раз редактировалось lyonyaseryo; 07.10.2015 в 18:41.

  5. #4
    Призрачный флудер Аватар для Кодекс
    Получено благодарностей: 7,868 (сообщений: 2,001).
    Репутация: 7868
    Исправлено. Красиво теперь работает скрипт Изменения будут применены в ближайшем обновлении

  6. 1 пользователь сказал cпасибо Кодекс за это полезное сообщение:

    lyonyaseryo (04.04.2016)

  7. #5
    Получено благодарностей: 251 (сообщений: 162).
    Репутация: 616

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