23.09.2015 СА10
Отсутствует каст (SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS) Резкий наскок предшествующий нанесению урона от Резкий наскок
[11:23:04.465] Аркавон Страж Камня Резкий наскок Вайолет 2297
[11:23:34.014] Аркавон Страж Камня Резкий наскок Лейша Absorb (1367)
[11:25:34.880] Аркавон Страж Камня Резкий наскок Лейша 1367
[11:25:34.880] Аркавон Страж Камня Резкий наскок Вайолет 2297
[00:27:27.660] Archavon the Stone Watcher casts Crushing Leap
[00:27:28.882] Archavon the Stone Watcher Crushing Leap Däs 3414
[00:27:28.882] Archavon the Stone Watcher Crushing Leap Littlemaan 2949
[00:27:28.882] Archavon the Stone Watcher Crushing Leap Deathrize 4363
[00:28:00.989] Archavon the Stone Watcher casts Crushing Leap
[00:28:01.791] Archavon the Stone Watcher Crushing Leap Mirror Image 658
[00:28:01.791] Archavon the Stone Watcher Crushing Leap Mirror Image 657
[00:28:01.791] Archavon the Stone Watcher Crushing Leap Deathrize 4363
[00:28:31.144] Archavon the Stone Watcher casts Crushing Leap
[00:28:32.297] Archavon the Stone Watcher Crushing Leap Däs 3312
[00:28:32.297] Archavon the Stone Watcher Crushing Leap Polemaster 2454