Error 134
Data errors

"ERROR #134 (0x85100086) Fatal Condition Program: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe CMap::SafeOpen() failed World\Maps\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_34_36.adt"

"ERROR #134 (0x85100086) Fatal Condition Program: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe Failed to open archive dbc.MPQ"

These errors are usually coused by defective or missing files. In some other cases it happens if game was instaled to hdd with defective sectors or on PC with defetive or inappropriate ROM.


1. Using "repair.exe".
This utility checking wow files and if need repaering devective ones.
You can find it in your`s wow folder.
Note: Repair working only with Windows.

2.Checking your ROM.
Diagnostic of your ROM will show devects that caused error. For this you need to install Windows Memory Diagnostic that can be downladed from microsoft official site.
Note: If you found some errors you should contack your`s PC supplier couse most of that errors caused by phisical errors of you ROM.

3. Updateing system drivers.
Also don`t forget about your OS(update it if need)

4. Deleting your game(WoW) scanning RAM and defragmentation.
After you have done it instal wow again and update it(if need).

Network Errors

"ERROR #134 (0x85100086) Fatal Condition Program: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe Expected (m_netState == NS_INITIALIZED), got 5"

"ERROR #134 (0x85100086) Fatal Condition Program: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe Unable to establish a connection to socket: The attempt to connect was forcefully rejected."

"ERROR #134 (0x85100086) Fatal Condition Program: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe Unable to establish a connection to socket: The socket is already bound to an address, or the parameter is a listening socket."

These errors are usually caused by firefwall settings.


Try to delete all rules for WoW from your Firewall and edit it again.

Graphic Errors

"ERROR #134 (0x85100086) Fatal Condition Program: C:\Program Files\World of

Warcraft\WoW.exe File: C:\build\buildWoW\ENGINE\Source\gx\CGxDeviceD3d\CG xD3dDevice.cpp Line: 1529 Driver internal error on resource lock. Check AGP aperture."

If your Graphics Card is supported by WoW try do do next steps:

1. Check Graphic drivers(if it not up to date Update it).
2. Check your Microsoft DirectX(if it not up to date Update it).
Note: It`s imorpartant to have updated graphic drivers that supported by your

3. Chech your motherboard drivers(if it not up to date Update update it)