[20:25:52.043] Wárlord casts Divine Storm
[20:25:52.043] Wárlord's Vengeance is refreshed by Wárlord
[20:25:52.293] Wárlord Seal of Vengeance Deathbringer Saurfang *5254* (R: 251)
[[20:25:52.293] Wárlord Divine Storm Blood Beast *440*
[20:25:52.293] Wárlord Divine Storm Blood Beast *420*
[20:25:52.293] Wárlord Divine Storm Deathbringer Saurfang *9402*
[20:25:52.293] Wárlord Seal of Vengeance Deathbringer Saurfang *5257*
[20:25:52.667] Wárlord casts Divine Storm!
[20:25:53.229] Wárlord casts Divine Storm
[20:25:53.229] Wárlord's Vengeance is refreshed by Wárlord
[20:25:53.229] Wárlord's Vengeance is refreshed by Wárlord
[20:25:53.417] Wárlord Divine Storm Fadesd +3536
[20:25:53.462] Wárlord Divine Storm Blood Beast *450*
[20:25:53.462] Wárlord Divine Storm Deathbringer Saurfang *8836*
[20:25:53.478] Wárlord Seal of Vengeance Deathbringer Saurfang 2252 (R: 221)
[20:25:53.731] Wárlord Holy Vengeance Deathbringer Saurfang 2919
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