it seems my first post got voted out, so let me repeat the important information
keep in mind these are simply my observations since there is no info posted on the summoned creature Timbermaw Ancestor
-It seems to have ~500 hp
-It is level 60, but isn't very tough even versus lower level melee
-It seems to heal you ONLY if you drop below 50% HP, and this also seems to be subjective to if it's attacking something or not. You can exert some control over this by ensuring that all targets around you are CCd when you want it to heal you. As a rogue I blind, then gouge and start a bandaid while he casts a heal.
-I've seen it's heals range from 200-900 however I wasn't paying attention to mortal strike or critical heals.
-It spams a lightning bolt that is ~2 second cast time for 250 damage.
-It will not attack anything unless something attacks you while it's summoned, however it will heal if there are no enemies around and you are under ~50%
-It is obtainable for a level 49 (my 49 rogue has it, and i don't use it that often.)