PHP код:
FreebgridDebuffs = {
debuffs = {
-- Any Zone
[GetSpellInfo(3034)] = 12, -- Viper Sting
[GetSpellInfo(57978)] = 9, -- Wound Poison
[GetSpellInfo(47486)] = 8, -- Mortal Strike
[GetSpellInfo(46911)] = 8, -- Furious Attacks
[GetSpellInfo(49050)] = 8, -- Aimed Shot
[GetSpellInfo(2139)] = 10, -- Counterspell
[GetSpellInfo(2094)] = 10, -- Blind
[GetSpellInfo(33786)] = 10, -- Cyclone
[GetSpellInfo(71289)] = 9, -- contol lady
[GetSpellInfo(12826)] = 7, -- Polymorph
[GetSpellInfo(53308)] = 7, -- Entangling Roots
[GetSpellInfo(14311)] = 7, -- Freezing Trap
[GetSpellInfo(3775)] = 6, -- Crippling Poison
[GetSpellInfo(1715)] = 5, -- Hamstring
[GetSpellInfo(2974)] = 5, -- Wing Clip
[GetSpellInfo(6215)] = 3, -- Fear
[GetSpellInfo(10890)] = 3, -- Psychic Scream
[GetSpellInfo(17928)] = 3, -- Howl of Terror
[GetSpellInfo(67051)] = 3, -- ICK ISPEPELENIE
[GetSpellInfo(69065)] = 6, -- Impaled
-- Gunship Battle
[GetSpellInfo(69651)] = 6, -- Wounding Strike
-- Saurfang
[GetSpellInfo(72293)] = 6, -- Mark of the Fallen Champion
[GetSpellInfo(72442)] = 7, -- Boiling Blood
-- Festergut
[GetSpellInfo(69279)] = 6, -- Gas Spore
[GetSpellInfo(71218)] = 7, -- Vile Gas
[GetSpellInfo(72219)] = 1, -- Gastric Bloat
-- Rotface
[GetSpellInfo(71224)] = 6, -- Mutated Infection
[GetSpellInfo(71215)] = 7, -- Ooze Flood
[GetSpellInfo(69774)] = 8, -- Sticky Ooze
-- Putricide
[GetSpellInfo(70215)] = 6, -- Gaseous Bloat
[GetSpellInfo(70447)] = 7, -- Volatile Ooze Adhesive
-- Lana'thel
[GetSpellInfo(71340)] = 7, -- Pact of the Darkfallen
[GetSpellInfo(71473)] = 6, -- Essence of the Blood Queen
-- Sindragosa
[GetSpellInfo(70126)] = 6, -- Frost Beacon
[GetSpellInfo(70157)] = 6, -- Ice Tomb
[GetSpellInfo(69766)] = 7, -- Instability
-- Lich King
[GetSpellInfo(70541)] = 6, -- Infest
[GetSpellInfo(70337)] = 7, -- Necrotic plague
[GetSpellInfo(72762)] = 7, -- Defile
buffs = {
[GetSpellInfo(871)] = 2, -- Shield Wall
[GetSpellInfo(498)] = 2, -- [Divine Protection]
[GetSpellInfo(48792)] = 2, -- [Icebound Fortitude]
[GetSpellInfo(55233)] = 2, -- [Vampiric Blood]
[GetSpellInfo(10278)] = 2, -- [Hand of Protection]
[GetSpellInfo(1044)] = 2, -- [Hand of Freedom]
[GetSpellInfo(1038)] = 2, -- [Hand of Salvation]
[GetSpellInfo(6940)] = 2, -- [Hand of Sacrifice]
[GetSpellInfo(31821)] = 2, -- [Aura Mastery]
instances = {
["Zone"] = {
[Name or GetSpellInfo(#)] = PRIORITY,