Dear players! WoWCircle team congratulates you with the Happy New Year and Christmas.

On this occasion we start discount season from 24.12.19 till 07.01.20 (including), in control panel of logon/legion started the following events and discounts:

- All item and service prices have been reduced by 20%.
- If you make a donation you get 20% more reward depending on amount of donation (for example of you donate 400 bonuses - you get 480).
- All bans (at logon/legion), that were not permanent and should end by 10.01.20, have been dismissed. The whole amount of accounts, that were amnestied is 670, 665 at logon, 5 at legion.
- Gift cooldown reset (once).
- You can also resell characters, that you bought in control panel before.
- Festive Loot Box 2018 and Festive Loot Box 2019 Festive Loot Boxes appeared in control panel for 3.3.5a and 4.3.4 realms, they will be available till 01.02.20, information about loot can be found there:

* Everything mentioned above is already valid.