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Нарушение пользователю simrenvarma: Реклама сторонних ресурсов(пункт 2.17)

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  1. #1
    Леди Павук 🕷 Аватар для Adania
    Получено благодарностей: 683 (сообщений: 495).
    Репутация: 756

    Нарушение пользователю simrenvarma: Реклама сторонних ресурсов(пункт 2.17)

    Сообщение: http://body4life.org/ksz-male-enhancement/
    Пользователь: simrenvarma
    Нарушение: Реклама сторонних ресурсов(пункт 2.17)
    Баллов: 4

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    Оригинал сообщения:
    KSZ Male Enhancement It happens that so that what touched us often push out of our consciousness. We are not able to share our dilemmas with a partner, we are paralyzed by the fear of taking a step forward, which perhaps would lead to change. That is why it is so important that our conversations about sex take the form of kindness that allows us to break the barrier of shame KSZ Male Enhancement give us the opportunity to open ourselves to other people. In our conversations, it is important not to forget about our strengths, including the use of humor. Tips for the future That we can talk to each other makes us human. It is important therefore to talk about our desires, sexual fantasies, needs KSZ Male Enhancement physical sensations. Initial conversations are very difficult, but they pave the way for true communication KSZ Male Enhancement real closeness. There may be shame or a desire to laugh. It is important, however, not to stop talking to yourself. Also about what we do not like, what irritates us, KSZ Male Enhancement even anger. When undertaking conversations on sexual topics, it is worth keeping the basic principles of proper communication, namely: when your partner says something, keep eye contact with him, when you listen to a partner, do not do something else at the same time, listen to his feelings, watch body language refrain from interrupting. To sum up, openness to conversation in pairs can improve the quality of life of each individual KSZ Male Enhancement couple, KSZ Male Enhancement this in turn is an inseparable element of building a close relationship between partners. Low testosterone, which determines a man's sexual function, is a blood concentration below 8-12 nmol For each man, the threshold level beyond which sex problems may begin is different.



  2. #2
    Призрачный флудер Аватар для Cruelangel
    Россия г.Новомосковск
    Получено благодарностей: 2,473 (сообщений: 1,524).
    Репутация: 7234

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