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Arena Wotlk 2019

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Тема: Arena Wotlk 2019

  1. #1
    Призрачный флудер Аватар для Wwwlep
    Получено благодарностей: 11,202 (сообщений: 3,818).
    Репутация: 14431
    Reference information:

    - Battlegroup: 3.3.5a x5, x10, x100, Fun, Icecrown (realm of our partners).

    - This year there will be four qualification rounds:
    * First round: 2 January - 2 April - Is completed
    * Second round: 2 April - 2 July - Is completed
    * Third round: 2 July - 2 October - - is held at the moment.
    * Fourth round: 2 October - 2 January.

    - Following the results of each round a tournament will be held:
    * First tournament: end of april - beginning of may. - Is completed
    * Second tournament: end of july - beginning of august.
    * Third tournament: end of october - beginning of november.
    * Fourth tournament: end of january - beginning of february.

    - According to the results of the year, main tournament will be held, among those, who were in top of qualification rounds.
    - Date of main tournament - February of 2020.
    - Tournaments will be only held in 2v2 and 3v3 brackets, 1v1 and 3v3 solo will be rewarded according to qualification rounds.

    Tournaments following the qualification results:

    Tournament will be held in 2v2 and 3v3 brackets, in Top-8 or Top-16 form (depending on amount of teams, that will match the requirements after qualification). Each round will last till one of a teams wins twice ().



    - 1 place: 12 000 roubles for a team (6 000 roubles to each member) + Title from Group 1 + same forum title (as an option).
    - 2 place: 9 000 roubles for a team (4 500 roubles to each member) + Title from Group 2 + same forum title (as an option).
    - 3 place: 7 000 roubles for a team (3 500 roubles to each member) + Title from Group 3 + same forum title (as an option).
    - 4 place: 5 000 roubles for a team (2 500 roubles to each member) + Gladiator Title + same forum title (as an option).
    - 5-8 places: 3 000 roubles for a team (1 500 roubles to each member) + Rival Title + same forum title (as an option).

    If Top-16 will take place:

    - 9-16 places: 1 500 bonuses to each member of a team + Challenger Title + same forum title (as an option).

    Prize fund of 2v2 bracket: 45 000 roubles.


    - 1 place: 24 000 roubles for a team (8 000 roubles to each member) + Title from Group 1 + same forum title (as an option).
    - 2 place: 18 000 roubles for a team (6 000 roubles to each member) + Title from Group 2 + same forum title (as an option).
    - 3 place: 15 000 roubles for a team (5 000 roubles to each member) + Title from Group 3 + same forum title (as an option).
    - 4 place: 12 000 roubles for a team (4 000 roubles to each member) + Gladiator Title + same forum title (as an option).
    - 5-8 places: 9 000 roubles for a team (3 000 roubles to each member) + Rival Title + same forum title (as an option).

    If Top-16 will take place:

    - 9-16 places: 2 000 bonuses to each member of a team + Challenger Title + same forum title (as an option).

    Prize fund of 3v3 bracket: 105 000 roubles.

    General prize fund: : 150 000 roubles.

    Main Tournament:

    Tournament will be held in 2v2 and 3v3 brackets, in Top-16 or Top-32 form depending on amount of teams, that will get into Top-8(16) during qualifications. Each round will last till one of a teams wins twice (bo3).



    - 1 place: 24 000 roubles for a team (12 000 roubles to each member) + Title from Group 1 + same forum title (as an option).
    - 2 place: 18 000 roubles for a team (9 000 roubles to each member) + Title from Group 2 + same forum title (as an option).
    - 3 place: 14 000 roubles for a team (7 000 roubles to each member) + Title from Group 3 + same forum title (as an option).
    - 4 place: 10 000 roubles for a team (5 000 roubles to each member) + Gladiator Title + same forum title (as an option).
    - 5-8 places: 6 000 roubles for a team (3 000 roubles to each member) + Rival Title + same forum title (as an option).
    - 9-16 places: 2 000 bonuses to each member of a team + Challenger Title + same forum title (as an option).

    Prize fund of 2v2 bracket: 90 000 roubles and 32 000 bonuses.


    - 1 place: 48 000 roubles for a team (16 000 roubles to each member) + Title from Group 1 + same forum title (as an option).
    - 2 place: 36 000 roubles for a team (12 000 roubles to each member) + Title from Group 2 + same forum title (as an option).
    - 3 place: 30 000 roubles for a team (10 000 roubles to each member) + Title from Group 3 + same forum title (as an option).
    - 4 place: 24 000 roubles for a team (8 000 roubles to each member) + Gladiator Title + same forum title (as an option).
    - 5-8 places: 18 000 roubles for a team (6 000 roubles to each member) + Rival Title + same forum title (as an option).
    - 9-16 places: 3 000 bonuses to each member of a team + Challenger Title + same forum title (as an option).

    Prize fund of 3v3 bracket: 210 000 roubles and 32 000 bonuses.

    General prize fund of main tournament: 300 000 roubles and 104 000 bonuses.

    General prize fund of 2019 year: 900 000 roubles and more than 100 000 bonuses (4 tournaments + main).

    Rewards following the qualification results:

    Rewards for this bracket is given without tournaments.


    - 1-4 places: 2 000 bonuses to an account + Dueslit title + same forum title (as an option).
    - 5-8 places: 1 500 bonuses to an account + Rival title + same forum title (as an option).
    - 9-12 places: 1 000 bonuses to an account + Challenger title + same forum title (as an option).

    Соло 3v3:

    - 1 place: 5 000 bonuses to an account + Title from Group 1 + same forum title (as an option).
    - 2 place: 4 000 bonuses to an account + Title from Group 2 + same forum title (as an option).
    - 3 place: 3 500 bonuses to an account + Title from Group 3 + same forum title (as an option).
    - 4-6 place: 3 000 bonuses to an account + Gladiator title + same forum title (as an option).
    - 7-8 place: 2 500 bonuses to an account + Duelist title + same forum title (as an option).
    - 9-10 place: 2 000 bonuses to an account + Rival title + same forum title (as an option).
    - 11-12 place: 1 500 bonuses to an account + Challenger title + same forum title (as an option).

    Group 1 titles:

    - Deadly Gladiator
    - Merciless Gladiator
    - Vengeful Gladiator

    Group 2 titles:

    - Brutal Gladiator
    - Wrathful Gladiator

    Group 3 titles:

    - Relentless Gladiator
    - Furious Gladiator

    Important information about qualification rounds:
    - A player must play not less, than 10 games every calendar month of the qualification round.
    - Players that were banned for arena violations (cheats, scripts, mmr abuse, etc.) are not considered when making the TOP. Teams of their twink characters are considered in basic top, but won't get the reward and take part in a tournament, another team (lower in top) will be chosen for ladder.
    - If a team consists only of twink characters, it is not considered when making the TOP.
    - If a team lacks members in the end of a season, it is not considered when making the TOP.
    - Number of battles of every team member must be at least 70% of team battles.
    - It is forbidden to give characters to other players. Teams, that brake this rule will not be considered when making the TOP.
    - If more than a half of 16 top teams will cheat - no one will get the reward in this bracket.
    - The personal rating difference of team members must not be more than 500, or the team neither gets their reward nor takes part in a tournament.
    - Only teams with 1800 rate and more are considered.
    - All actions, that are not a normal arena play, are forbidden (for example: not entering the arena, abusing MMR, wintrading, inactivity). All of these cases will be taken to be cheating and such players will be banned.
    - Bonuses at the end of the season are given to the logon account, on which your character is.
    - Bonus or money reward is given only to one unique account of a player in one bracket. If a player is a member of 2+ teams, he will get reward only for one of them, but he will get title for each of his characters.
    - It is allowed to skip the first month in one qualification round.

    Important information about the tournaments:

    - Battles will take place at current cross server and current characters, we realized special arena training mode, also games can be watched with the help of arena spectator from any realm of Logon wotlk.
    - Each round will last till one of the teams wins twice (bo3), not more than three rounds can be played, fourth round is possible only in special and disputable situations.
    - If a battle lasts more than 15 minutes (launch timer when you start), it will be finished and both teams lose, if in all the three rounds fight is finished according to the lack of time, none of this pair passes to the next stage.
    - After 5 minutes of a fight you will get debuff decreasing healing, after 10 minutes its effect will increase (timing may be changed).
    - Those who lose in reference rounds does not leave, but gets into lower ladder, example: https://challonge.com/ru/cikt8a5m.
    - Exact date and time of tournaments in each bracket will be announced in a month before the start, usually it is Saturday or Sunday, 15:00 +- GMT.
    - If a player is a member of two (or more) teams of one bracket Top, he will have to choose one team to play for at a tournament (other will be disqualified).
    - If a player is a member of two (or more) teams of different brackets, he can play for each team but will get his reward only for 1 bracket.
    - In case of any problems of team members during the fight (freeze, game crash) if he has an evidence he is granted with an option to replay one fight, arena will be the same as before, not random.
    - Payment to winners can be sent to a bank card of any country of the world, webmoney, qiwi, yandex money, not later than in a week after tournament ending.
    Последний раз редактировалось VúSale; 14.07.2019 в 19:54.

  2. #2
    Призрачный флудер Аватар для Wwwlep
    Получено благодарностей: 11,202 (сообщений: 3,818).
    Репутация: 14431
    Solo 3v3 bracket results in first qualification round:

    r1: Clevret - Fun.
    r2: Dreamaway - x10.
    r3: Toxicpaljk - Fun.
    r4: Zvaigznite - Fun.
    r5: Deadlyvendet - Fun.
    r6: Stillmatic - Fun.
    r7: Zerenzxzenx - Fun.
    r8: Draener - Fun.
    r9: Pirfekt x5
    r10: Ausure - Fun.
    r11: Светаностный - Fun.
    r12: Svettfoyr - Fun.

    1v1 bracket results in first qualification round:

    r1: Sweizy - x100.
    r2: Dreamaway - x10.
    r3: Потныйподмых - Fun.
    r4: Ragejunglex - Fun.
    r5: Rollerbllade - x100.
    r6: Gollivud - x5.
    r7: Bashibuzuki - x10.
    r8: Icefrezer - x5.
    r9: Плим - Fun.
    r10: Nimidex - Fun.
    r11: Динакпсс - Fun.
    r12: Mantei - Fun.

    Remember, that these brackets do not take part in a tournament, that's why they can already get their rewards according to the information in the first post of this thread.

    Tournament participants:


    r1 - Team "GREATEST" (Fun) - 3134, Teammate: Abcpala, Qwneerxtwo.
    r2 - Team "we love russians" (Fun) - 3011, Teammate: Vanzanx, Itsflynbruh.
    r3 - Team "tolko ne shater pls" (Fun) - 2962, Teammate: Supremepal, Dreizackhehe.
    r4 - Team "sdgdsjgksnj" (Fun) - 2805, Teammate: Rhythmx, Getonmylevel.
    r5 - Team "Klng of Three Three Five" (Fun) - 2767, Teammate: Yourenothing, Ajusorawave.
    r6 - Team "TRIGGERED" (Fun) - 2722, Teammate: Inhollan, Jetrabbit.
    r7 - Team "luchwiyvmire" (Fun) - 2710, Teammate: Slayerbackx, Saashax.
    r8 - Team "Женщина и Топор" (Fun) - 2700, Teammate: Multigruzinx, Женщинатопор.
    r9 - Team "ЯКУБОВИЧ КРУТИ БАРАБАН" (Fun) - 2684, Teammate: Whatisurexp, Ухогрызх.
    r10 - Team "Top Khilla" (Fun) - 2677, Teammate: Retdischero, Jameslogan.
    r11 - Team "kekekekekekek" (Fun) - 2667, Teammate: Dyavolichka, Dopowerxgodx.
    r12 - Team "mashina na priste" (Fun) - 2655, Teammate: Closetobest, Pomatrosit.
    r13 - Team "НовыйЗавет читаем" (Fun) - 2643, Teammate: Аплодисменты, Kitsunelol.
    r14 - Team "кто тут главный" (x100) - 2640, Teammate: Sweatydog, Ормаша.
    r15 - Team "IlIlIlIlIlIlIlIl" (Fun) - 2603, Teammate: Холипомм, Watchachacha.
    r16 - Team "unicorn II" (Fun) - 2601, Teammate: Holyswing, Trueraqe.

    Reserve teams:

    r17 - Team "tu ty colle mon gros" (Fun) - 2586, Teammate: Cheerio, Kishkumen.
    r18 - Team "holes" (Fun) - 2563, Teammate: Crazyretlol, Homerjennik.
    r19 - Team "PVP FLAME" (Fun) - 2548, Teammate: Homellanzx, Oohype.
    r20 - Team "jebem ti mat" (Fun) - 2527, Teammate: Narielis, Zeroxqtz.


    r1 - Team "LSP GOOD PLAYERS" (Fun) - 2618, Teammate: Gottesold, Leilyya, Karrlx.
    r2 - Team "Feed into Feed" (Fun) - 2553, Teammate: Nobodyknowme, Abcpala, Mercedesaxx.
    r3 - Team "Fracture" (Fun) - 2466, Teammate: Ruthllessx, Imbaclass, Crispz.
    r4 - Team "sinbad jaharovich" (Fun) - 2463, Teammate: Chockopapa, Jesikaheal, Pomatrosit.
    r5 - Team "Best Player" (Fun) - 2457, Teammate: Exesive, Bringerdeath, Bestkiko.
    r6 - Team "Лучший Шадоу Клив" (x10) - 2437, Teammate: Zellix, Diklofinak, Dreamaway.
    r7 - Team "Ачивка" (x5) - 2326, Teammate: Krivedka, Gitii, Megashamko.
    r8 - Team "МИНУТ ДВАДЦАТЬ" (Fun) - 2321, Teammate: Worldlord, Reveleane, Женщинатопор.

    Reserve teams:

    r9 - Team "we can try dry by" (Fun) - 2254, Teammate: Vendetvbane, Аплодисменты, Kitsunelol.
    r10 - Team "feelsbadman" (Fun) - 2215, Teammate: Devochkagodx, Венерологх, Мистервнол.
    r11 - Team "Remember our names" (Fun) - 2208, Teammate: Fullscriptjk, Synapsonx, Dellondiezor.

    Important information:

    Tournament date:


    The tournament will be divided into 2 stages:

    First stage, games of upper and lower bracket (you can find an example below), starting on 26.04.19 at 16:00 GMT.
    Second stage, remaining games are played, starting on 27.04.19 at 15:00 GMT.


    The tournament will take place on 28.04.19, starting at 15:00 GMT.

    More important notes:

    - If any team refuses or has no way to participate, it will be replaced by reserve team, we ask reserve teams to be present at the beginning of each bracket tournament.
    - Example of a bracket: https://challonge.com/ru/testtour2019 / 3x3: https://challonge.com/ru/umc5muej, it will be updated by the beginning of a tournament.
    - You should log to your characters half an hour before the start (according to your bracket time) and wait for GM's command. You will fight on current cross server and your current characters, we implemented special arena training mode, all the games can be spectated through arena spectator on any WotLK realm.
    - Every round will last till 2 wins of a team, not more than 3 rounds are possible, 4th round may take place for disputable and confusing situations.
    - If a fight takes more than 15 minutes (launch timer when you start), it will be finished and both teams will lose, if all the 3 rounds finish with a time cap, one more golden round is hold and the winner goes further.
    - If even the fourth round does not identify the winner team, the one who has higher qualification rate goes further.
    - Broadcasters, that does not break our server rules and want to cover the tournament, contact me via PM, we will discuss mutually advantageous terms.

    See you at the tournament from 26.04.19 till 28.04.19.
    Последний раз редактировалось EvTech; 27.04.2019 в 11:50.

  3. 1 пользователь сказал cпасибо Wwwlep за это полезное сообщение:

    Озай (27.04.2019)

  4. #3
    Получено благодарностей: 23,842 (сообщений: 12,644).
    Репутация: 34058
    Solo 3v3 bracket results in first qualification round:

    r1 - Jabzou(FUN) - 2981
    r2 - Voronok(x5) - 2936
    r3 - Escalate(FUN) - 2909
    r4 - Overspamqq(x5)- 2905
    r5 - Dreamaway (x100)- 2836
    r6 - Asgardianec(FUN)- 2773
    r7 - Tulane(FUN)- 2731
    r8 - Svettcirkul(FUN)- 2714
    r9 - Ciearinazo(FUN)- 2709
    r10 - Manse(FUN)- 2704
    r11 - Groundhacker(FUN)- 2651
    r12 - Recepx(FUN)- 2606

    1v1 bracket results in first qualification round:

    r1 - Dreamaway(x100) - 2775
    r2 - Sweizy(x100) - 2702
    r3 - Delinquantex(FUN) - 2528
    r4 - Синку (x5) - 2497
    r5 - Дюхатравматх(FUN) - 2493
    r6 - Плим(FUN) - 2471
    r7 - Icefrezer(x5) - 2445
    r8 - Ziqo(x5) - 2432
    r9 - Nonskilz(x100) - 2364
    r10 - Bashibuzuki(x100) - 2347
    r11 - Ophiya(FUN)- 2223
    r12 - Feidndist(FUN) - 2221

    Remember, that these brackets do not take part in a tournament, that's why they can already get their rewards according to the information in the first post of this thread.

    Tournament participants:


    r1 - Team "Лузаем всем минусхилам"(FUN) - 2712, Teammate: Nobodyknowme, Zhuo
    r2 - Team "Best priestferal"(FUN) - 2707, Teammate: Nonskilz, Aleajactaesz
    r3 - Team "ДО ВСТРЕЧИ НА ТАНЦПОЛЕ"(FUN) - 2671, Teammate: Shutupdude, Gromovergg
    r4 - Team "dedededededede"(FUN) - 2658, Teammate: Slayerlordx, Weissmeister
    r5 - Team "carried by pal"(FUN) - 2646, Teammate: Vanzanx, Itsflynbruh
    r6 - Team "Замена дженику"(FUN) - 2644, Teammate: Vendetvbane, Birmingem
    r7 - Team "Сексигайсверинайс"(FUN) - 2640, Teammate: Denzeckwar, Sexygays
    r8 - Team "Девочка Аскорбинка"(FUN) - 2623, Teammate: Freejzonqq, Dellondie
    r9 - Team "SPR COME BACK"(FUN) - 2616, Teammate: Liferuiner, Memhh
    r10 - Team "Женщина без Топора"(FUN) - 2609, Teammate: Женщинамеч, Женщинатопор
    r11 - Team "шоколадный мальчик"(FUN) - 2604, Teammate: Мистервнол, Сенксосан
    r12 - Team "слив ммр"(x100) - 2574, Teammate: Джейрвиф, Falinessa
    r13 - Team "Самый сильный сетап"(FUN) - 2571, Teammate: Deus, Играюварпал
    r14 - Team "НовыйЗавет прочти"(FUN) - 2527, Teammate: Дырявик, Simbo
    r15 - Team "Веселые ребята"(FUN) - 2515, Teammate: Троекнопник, Marnerx
    r16 - Team "giveoldATback"(FUN) - 2454, Teammate: Phsyktablett, Garbagetruck

    Reserve teams:

    r17 - Team "Я ношу только Гуччи"(FUN) - 2409, Teammate: Neckromaster, Harajuku
    r18 - Team "ПРОСТО ИЗИЧ"(FUN) - 2384, Teammate: Hysterics, Mistim


    r1 - Team "Женщины тоже умеют играт"(FUN) - 2630, Teammate: Worldlord, Aronstoune, Женщинатопор
    r2 - Team "Mojet estbudushee"(FUN) - 2525, Teammate: Pantech, Skilqq, Svettcirkul
    r3 - Team "Circle Best Server"(FUN) - 2460, Teammate: Nobodyknowme, Abcpala, Mercedesaxx
    r4 - Team "krnt"(FUN) - 2450, Teammate: Uwillbenext, Ктонесмыл, Thelupa
    r5 - Team "фафыафы"(FUN) - 2421, Teammate: Lonestarx, Makesmehappy, Weissmeister
    r6 - Team "НовыйЗавет читаю"(FUN) - 2406, Teammate: Дырявик, Vendetvbane, Simbo
    r7 - Team "ГАСИ ДИНАМЬ ИГНОРЬ"(FUN) - 2396, Teammate: Freejzonqq, Dellondie, Gromovergg
    r8 - Team "go thunder"(FUN) - 2315, Teammate: Modify, Adelkaz, Manse

    Reserve teams:

    r9 - Team "шаурма за ЗОО"(FUN) - 2306, Teammate: Takaxasu, Imnotkarnage, Подпивасник
    r10 - Team "fetaci z kundy"(FUN) - 2052, Teammate: Narielis, Zeroxqtz, Exxth

    Important information:

    Tournament date:


    The tournament will be divided into 2 stages:

    First stage, games of upper and lower bracket (you can find an example below), starting on 09.08.19 at 16:00 GMT.
    Second stage, remaining games are played, starting on 10.08.19 at 15:00 GMT.


    The tournament will take place on 11.08.19, starting at 15:00 GMT.

    More important notes:

    - If any team refuses or has no way to participate, it will be replaced by reserve team, we ask reserve teams to be present at the beginning of each bracket tournament.
    - Example of a bracket: https://challonge.com/ru/testtour2019 / 3x3: https://challonge.com/ru/umc5muej, it will be updated by the beginning of a tournament.
    - You should log to your characters half an hour before the start (according to your bracket time) and wait for GM's command. You will fight on current cross server and your current characters, we implemented special arena training mode, all the games can be spectated through arena spectator on any WotLK realm.
    - Every round will last till 2 wins of a team, not more than 3 rounds are possible, 4th round may take place for disputable and confusing situations.
    - If a fight takes more than 15 minutes (launch timer when you start), it will be finished and both teams will lose, if all the 3 rounds finish with a time cap, one more golden round is hold and the winner goes further.
    - If even the fourth round does not identify the winner team, the one who has higher qualification rate goes further.
    - Broadcasters, that does not break our server rules and want to cover the tournament, contact me via PM, we will discuss mutually advantageous terms.

    See you at the tournament from 09.08.19 till 11.08.19.

  5. #4
    Получено благодарностей: 23,842 (сообщений: 12,644).
    Репутация: 34058
    Considering several technical issues, net issues in particular, that can obstruct the tournament, we decided to reschedule it to a later date, it will be held from 16.08.19 till 18.08.19, we plan to solve all issues by this time, thank you for patience and understanding.

  6. #5
    Получено благодарностей: 23,842 (сообщений: 12,644).
    Репутация: 34058
    Solo 3v3 bracket results in first qualification round:

    r1 - Jeremis(1502489 - 2808 (x5)
    r2 - Zvaigznite(2345513 - 2753 (FUN)
    r3 - Swepyx(317551 - 2722 (FUN)
    r4 - Dreamaway(:26292256 - 2709 (x100)
    r5 - Дэндыркин(1331534) - 2707 (FUN)
    r6 - Modefey(3205341) - 2625 (FUN)
    r7 - Komino(983068) - 2623 (FUN)
    r8 - Manse(3012746) - 2614 (FUN)
    r9 - Notinmafovir(2191661) - 2565 (FUN)
    r10- Busting(622599) - 2550 (FUN)
    r11 - Notshame(2841303) - 2532 (FUN)
    r12 - Наснедохонят(3035457) - 2507 (FUN)

    1v1 bracket results in first qualification round:

    r1 - Dreamaway(26292256) - 3200 (x100)
    r2 - Sweizy:(7165202) - 3023 (x100)
    r3 - Ухогрызх(2327024) - 2843 (FUN)
    r4 - Дюхатравматх(903811) - 2608 (FUN)
    r5 - Gelindewagen(22790344) - 2511 (x100)
    r6 - Slastya(26800171) - 2497 (x100)
    r7 - Canstellar(23060225) - 2483 (x100)
    r8 - Mantei(2548993) - 2451 (FUN)
    r9 - Unmatched(2260182) - 2410 (FUN)
    r10 - Icefrezer(4442354) - 2403 (x5)
    r11 - Molou(21629021) - 2388 (x100)
    r12 - Macler(3259215) - 2374 (FUN)

    Remember, that these brackets do not take part in a tournament, that's why they can already get their rewards according to the information in the first post of this thread.

    Tournament participants:


    r1 - Team "k k k"(x100) - 2704, Teammate: Antiglad, Dreamaway
    r2 - Team "ЭЙ ЭЙ ПОКАЖИ ПРИБЫЛЬ"(FUN) - 2653, Teammate: Hardomex, Yourname
    r3 - Team "SUPER PUPER II"(FUN) - 2627, Teammate: Царковамария, Simbo
    r4 - Team "Грила Рубака Цепетяг"(FUN) - 2603, Teammate: Punterzebest, Dellondie
    r5 - Team "edyatopodin"(FUN) - 2601, Teammate: Pomatrosit, Ptnx
    r6 - Team "we still love russians"(FUN) - 2595, Teammate: Vanzanx, Itsflynbruh
    r7 - Team "ДИКАРИ"(x100) - 2592, Teammate: Цыплёнокцыпа, Шикаря
    r8 - Team "Мы сила вы могила"(FUN) - 2579, Teammate: Denzeckwar, Sexygays
    r9 - Team "piew piew dp mm"(FUN) - 2573, Teammate: Novellax, Getonmylevel
    r10 - Team "Ирландский дрифт"(FUN) - 2558, Teammate: Deus, Miranaz
    r11 - Team "like we care"(FUN) - 2536, Teammate: Singrave, Blackbetty
    r12 - Team "ANTI SOCIAL ANTIHYPE"(x5) - 2514, Teammate: Нелутаешь, Pirfekt
    r13 - Team "С ОДНОГО УДАРА"(FUN) - 2507, Teammate: Onepunchmanx, Татаркавделе
    r14 - Team "Dispelshot"(FUN) - 2485, Teammate: Vendetvbane, Плазио
    r15 - Team "АНКСУНАМУН И ИМХОТЭП"(FUN) - 2467, Teammate: Clasic, Mnmnmnmnmn
    r16 - Team "iso urut"(FUN) - 2443, Teammate: Холипомм, Mexeckanec

    Reserve teams:

    r17 - Team "Саня Мощныи Игнат Слабыи"(FUN) - 2438, Teammate: Мощныи, Слабыи
    r18 - Team "WeeWeeW"(FUN) - 2431, Teammate: Bunchvortex, Pridefulx
    r19 - Team "farmbobs"(FUN) - 2382, Teammate: Jusex, Dehydrated


    r1 - Team "thundercleave"(FUN) - 2374, Teammate: Vanzanx, Blackbetty, Itsflynbruh
    r2 - Team "Зк гс"(x100) - 2367, Teammate: Antiglad, Плмпилиусдва, Dreamaway
    r3 - Team "sobiratelb rank one"(FUN) - 2357, Teammate: Clasic, Olegmad, Ramixpall
    r4 - Team "so good meta"(FUN) - 2341, Teammate: Дикийсуслик, Ahmedx, Asgardianec
    r5 - Team "etozhephp"(FUN) - 2303, Teammate: Ruhr, Iwannabeazk, Marnerx
    r6 - Team "Muhamed Harmstrong"(FUN) - 2301, Teammate: Dikiytatarin, Татаркавделе, Razerproxqt
    r7 - Team "АОЕ МАЧАЙН"(FUN) - 2207, Teammate: Mayopampamx, Punterzebest, Dellondie
    r8 - Team "rmp"(FUN) - 2205, Teammate: Cyx, Souldess, Kozhanniy

    Reserve teams:

    r9 - Team "bad players ever"(FUN) - 2201, Teammate: Annahoupe, Tyuga, Effectus
    r10 - Team "SUPER PUPER"(FUN) - 2086, Teammate: Царковамария, Vendetvbane, Simbo

    Important information:

    Tournament date:


    The tournament will be divided into 2 stages:

    First stage, games of upper and lower bracket (you can find an example below), starting on 25.10.19 at 16:00 GMT.
    Second stage, remaining games are played, starting on 26.10.19 at 15:00 GMT.


    The tournament will take place on 27.10.19, starting at 15:00 GMT.

    More important notes:

    - If any team refuses or has no way to participate, it will be replaced by reserve team, we ask reserve teams to be present at the beginning of each bracket tournament.
    - Example of a bracket: https://challonge.com/ru/testtour2019 / 3x3: https://challonge.com/ru/umc5muej, it will be updated by the beginning of a tournament.
    - You should log to your characters half an hour before the start (according to your bracket time) and wait for GM's command. You will fight on current cross server and your current characters, we implemented special arena training mode, all the games can be spectated through arena spectator on any WotLK realm.
    - Every round will last till 2 wins of a team, not more than 3 rounds are possible, 4th round may take place for disputable and confusing situations.
    - If a fight takes more than 15 minutes (launch timer when you start), it will be finished and both teams will lose, if all the 3 rounds finish with a time cap, one more golden round is hold and the winner goes further.
    - If even the fourth round does not identify the winner team, the one who has higher qualification rate goes further.
    - Those who suddenly change their IP address before the tournament and will be different from the one in the season (country / city / supplier) will be ready for additional questions and the fact that you may be denied to participate in the tournament.
    - Broadcasters, that does not break our server rules and want to cover the tournament, contact me via PM, we will discuss mutually advantageous terms.

    See you at the tournament from 25.10.19 till 27.10.19.

    Main theme https://forum.wowcircle.net/showthre...31#post7069231

  7. #6
    Получено благодарностей: 23,842 (сообщений: 12,644).
    Репутация: 34058
    Participants of 2v2 Grand Tournament


    Team 1:
    Vanzanx(GUID:1005465) - s1_p1(3011)
    Itsflynbruh(GUID:2328049) - s1_p1(3011)

    Team 2:
    Царковамария(GUID:14424) - s2_p1(2527)
    Simbo(GUID:2413693) - s2_p1(2527)

    Team 3:
    Slayerbackx(GUID:2010681) - s1_p2(2710)
    Dreamful(GUID:3110138) - s4_p9(3008)

    Team 4:
    Gromovergg(GUID:2857973) - s2_p2(2671)
    Shutupdude(GUID:477) - s2_p2(2671)

    Team 5:
    Blackbetty(GUID:1086215) - s4_p2(2612)
    Evlcuzlv(GUID:1086399) - s4_p2(2612)

    Team 6:
    Кисёшписеш(GUID:1610889) - s2_p3(2623)
    Dellondie(GUID:2030044) - s2_p3(2623)

    Team 7:
    Marnerx(GUID:3169608) - s2_p4(2515)
    Aionsx(GUID:2677480) - s4_p4(2598)

    Team 8:
    Novellax(GUID:2536713) - s3_p8(2573)
    Takano(GUID:620794) - s4_p4(2598)

    Team 9:
    Vendetvbane(GUID:1359890) - s2_p5(2644)
    23. Birmingem(GUID:2221867) - s2_p5(2644)

    Team 10:
    Liferuiner(GUID:1051109) - s2_p6(2616)
    26. Memhh(GUID:1130556) - s2_p6(2616)

    Team 11:
    Fersdark(GUID:18958006) - s4_p6(2486)
    Kappitoshkaa(GUID:21250357) - s4_p6(2486)

    Team 12:
    Nextlordx(GUID:1028880) - s1_p9(2962)
    Pomatrosit(GUID:2606976) - s1_p7(2655)

    Team 13:
    Цыплёнокцыпа(GUID:2484022) - s3_p9(2592)
    Шикаря(GUID:7363821) - s3_p9(2592)

    Team 14:
    Холипомм(GUID:2161581) - s1_p12(2603)
    Nionisz(GUID:2491998) - s1_p12(2603)

    Team 15:
    Нелутаешь(GUID:1431225) - s3_p13(2514)
    Pirfekt(GUID:2093082) - s3_p13(2514)

    Team 16:
    Princessadi(GUID:2875833) - s4_p13(2698)
    Sanddra(GUID:3378332) - s4_p13(2698)

    Participants of 3v3 Grand Tournament


    Team 1:
    Abcpala(GUID:1013153) - s1_p1(2553)
    Dreamful(GUID:3110138) - s4_p4(2434)
    Pomatrosit(GUID:2606976) - s1_p6(2463)

    Team 2:
    Царковамария(GUID:14424) - s2_p1(2406)
    Vendetvbane(GUID:1359890) - s2_p1(2406)
    Simbo(GUID:2413693) - s2_p1(2406)

    Team 3:
    Vanzanx(GUID:1005465) - s3_p1(2374)
    Blackbetty(GUID:1086215) - s3_p1(2374)
    Itsflynbruh(GUID:2328049) - s3_p1(2374)

    Team 4:
    Aionsx(GUID:2677480) - s3_p2(2357)
    Marnerx(GUID:3169608) - s3_p2(2357)
    Teehseus(GUID:3199958) - s4_p8(2394)

    Team 5:
    Khrystalzero(GUID:920017) - s4_p2(2430)
    Slayerlordx(GUID:997227) - s4_p2(2430)
    Getonmylevel(GUID:2946694) - s4_p2(2430)

    Team 6:
    Bringerdeath(GUID:1970848) - s1_p3(2457)
    Princessadi(GUID:2875833) - s1_p3(2457)
    Leilyya(GUID:2165016) - s1_p4(2618)

    Team 7:
    Пунтерклоун(GUID:1769401) - s4_p3(2382)
    Tsunadex(GUID:844886) - s4_p3(2382)
    Ciraxdog(GUID:3234706) - s4_p3(2382)

    Team 8:
    Pantech(GUID:1357288) - s2_p4(2525)
    Fathersoloq(GUID:2382834) - s2_p4(2525)
    Svettcirkul(GUID:2484665) - s2_p4(2525)

    Spare teams:

    Team 9:
    Цыплёнокцыпа(GUID:2484022) - s3_p4(2077)
    Omegawavex(GUID:6047615) - s3_p4(2077)
    Gllobal(GUID:7844062) - s3_p4(2077)

    Team 10:
    Diklofinak(GUID:25726431) - s1_p5(2437)
    Lestex(GUID:23584772) - s1_p5(2437)
    Плмпилиусдва(GUID:25083442) - s3_p5(2367)

    Team 11:
    Кисёшписеш(GUID:1610889) - s2_p5(2396)
    Dellondie(GUID:2030044) - s2_p5(2396)
    Gromovergg(GUID:2857973) - s2_p5(2396)

    Team 12:
    Clasic(GUID:107737) - s3_p7(2357)
    Olegmad(GUID:2377967) - s3_p7(2357)
    Ramixpall(GUID:2807855) - s3_p7(2357)

    Team 13:
    Cyx(GUID:2448488) - s3_p8(2205)
    Souldess(GUID:3020650) - s3_p8(2205)
    Kozhanniy(GUID:3079440) - s3_p8(2205)

    Tournament date:


    The tournament will be divided into two stages:

    The first stage, first round games of upper and lower ladder are played (below is the example), starting on 27.03.2020 at 16:00 GMT.
    Second stage, all the games left are played, starting on 28.03.2020 at 15:00 GMT.


    The tournament will be held on 29.03.2020 at 15:00 GMT.

    A bit more important information:
    - If someone refuses to take part, their place will be taken by one of spare teams, we ask spare teams to be present by the time of tournament start.
    - Example of ladder 2v2: https://challonge.com/ru/testtour2019 3v3: https://challonge.com/ru/umc5muej, ladders will be updated by the time of tournament start.
    - You must log to your characters in half an hour before the tournament (considering your bracket) and wait for GM.
    - Battles will take place at current cross server and current characters, we realized special arena training mode, also games can be watched with the help of arena spectator from any realm of Logon wotlk.
    - Each round will last till one of the teams wins twice (bo3), not more than three rounds can be played, fourth round is possible only in special and disputable situations (to the GM discretion).
    - If a battle lasts more than 15 minutes (launch timer when you start), it will be finished and both teams lose, if in all the three rounds fight is finished according to the lack of time, additional golden round will define the winner.
    - If the fourth round does not define the winner, team with higher rate in qulification round will go further.
    - Players, who change their IP address (country/city/provider differs from the one during the season) right before the tournament, prepare for questions and understand that you can be rejected.
    - Broadcasters, that do not break rules of our server and want to cast the tournament, contact me via PM.
    - Recommend to read the first post of a thread [click].
    See you at the tournament from 27.03.20 till 29.03.20.

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

  8. #7
    Получено благодарностей: 23,842 (сообщений: 12,644).
    Репутация: 34058
    We organized 4 large PvP tournaments during 2019 on Logon 3.3.5a realms in 2v2 and 3v3 brackets with the prize fund of 600 000 roubles, any player who reached Top-16 in 2v2 or Top-8 in 3v3 and matched our simple rules, could take part in a tournament.

    If speculating about the tournaments, everything was rather smooth, organization of the tournaments was at the appropriate level, we hardly had any delays, except for summer DDoS attack, when we had to postpone the tournament to another week and some twink teams that could get to the tournaments by foul means but were discqualified and banned.
    Tournament participants took the process seriously and in case of any problems (more often with time), gave us the heads up that allowed us to correct the tournament ladder and launch battles without delays.

    Now we only have to draw a line under 2019 tournament season and hold the Grand Tournament with a prize fund of 300 000 roubles and 104 000 bonuses, in which we will define the best teams of 2019 year.

    For this, based on the list:

    Winners of 2019 tournaments

    Winners of first 2019 2v2 and 3v3 tournaments

    1 place - Vanzanx и Itsflynbruh, команда "we love russians" (Fun)
    2 place - Slayerbackx и Saashax, команда "luchwiyvmire" (Fun)
    3 place - Аплодисменты и Kitsunelol, команда "НовыйЗавет читаем" (Fun)
    4 place - Abcpala и Qwneerxtwo, команда "GREATEST" (Fun)
    5 place - Yourenothing и Ajusorawave, команда "Klng of Three Three Five" (Fun)
    6̶ ̶ ̶p̶l̶a̶c̶e̶ ̶-̶ ̶S̶w̶e̶a̶t̶y̶d̶o̶g̶ ̶и̶ ̶О̶р̶м̶а̶ш̶а(исключены), команда "кто тут главный" (x100)
    7 place - Closetobest и Pomatrosit, команда "mashina na priste" (Fun)
    8 place - Homellanzx и Oohype, команда "PVP FLAME" (Fun)
    9 place - Supremepal и Dreizackhehe, команда "tolko ne shater pls" (Fun)
    10 place - Retdischero и Jameslogan, команда "Top Khilla" (Fun)
    11 place - Dyavolichka и Dopowerxgodx, команда "kekekekekekek" (Fun)
    12 place - Холипомм и Watchachacha, команда "IlIlIlIlIlIlIlIl" (Fun)
    13 place - Inhollan и Jetrabbit, команда "TRIGGERED" (Fun)
    14 place - Multigruzinx, Женщинатопор, команда "Женщина и Топор" (Fun)
    15 place - Holyswing, Trueraqe, команда "unicorn II" (Fun)
    16 place - Whatisurexp, Ухогрызх, команда "ЯКУБОВИЧ КРУТИ БАРАБАН" (Fun)
    Tournament ladder: https://challonge.com/ru/WWCT2019_2x2


    1 place - Nobodyknowme, Abcpala, Mercedesaxx, команда "Feed into Feed" (Fun)
    2 place - Ruthllessx, Uwillbenext, Crispz, команда "Fracture" (Fun)
    3 place - Exesive, Gabeniasreal, Bestkiko, команда "Best Player" (Fun)
    4 place - Gottesold, Leilyya, Karrlx, команда "LSP GOOD PLAYERS" (Fun)
    5 place - Zellix, Diklofinak, Dreamaway, команда "Лучший Шадоу Клив" (x10)
    6 place - Chockopapa, Jesikaheal, Pomatrosit, команда "sinbad jaharovich" (Fun)
    7 place - Krivedka, Gitii, Megashamko, команда "Ачивка" (x5)
    8 place - Worldlord, Reveleane, Женщинатопор, команда "МИНУТ ДВАДЦАТЬ" (Fun)
    Tournament ladder: https://challonge.com/ru/WWCT2019_3x3

    Winners of second 2019 2v2 and 3v3 tournaments


    1 place - Царковамария, Simbo, команда "НовыйЗавет прочти"(FUN-2527)
    2 place - Shutupdude, Gromovergg, команда "ДО ВСТРЕЧИ НА ТАНЦПОЛЕ"(FUN-2671)
    3 place - Freejzonqq, Dellondie, команда "Девочка Аскорбинка"(FUN-2623)
    4 place - Троекнопник, Marnerx, команда "Веселые ребята"(FUN-2515)
    5 place - Vendetvbane, Birmingem, команда "Замена дженику"(FUN-2644)
    6 place - Liferuiner, Memhh, команда "SPR COME BACK"(FUN-2616)
    7 place - Nonskilz, Aleajactaesz, команда "Best priestferal"(FUN-2707)
    8 place - Hysterics, Mistim, команда "ПРОСТО ИЗИЧ"(FUN-2384) - заменяли команду "Лузаем всем минусхилам"(FUN-2712)
    9 place - Slayerlordx, Weissmeister, команда "dedededededede"(FUN-2658) - покинули нижнюю сетку(автолуз)
    10 place - Denzeckwar, Sexygays, команда "Сексигайсверинайс"(FUN-2640)
    11 place - Мистервнол, Сенксосан, команда "шоколадный мальчик"(FUN-2604) - дисквалифицированы, не явилились на турнир.
    12 place - Neckromaster, Harajuku, команда "Я ношу только Гуччи"(FUN-2409) - заменяли команду "Самый сильный сетап"(FUN-2571)
    13 place - Vanzanx, Itsflynbruh, команда "carried by pal"(FUN-2646) - дисквалифицированы, не явилились на турнир(08.05)
    14 place - Женщинамеч, Женщинатопор, команда "Женщина без Топора"(FUN-2609) - дисквалифицированы, не явилились на турнир.
    15 place - Джейрвиф, Falinessa, команда "слив ммр"(x100-2574)
    16 place - Phsyktablett, Garbagetruck, команда Team "giveoldATback"(FUN-2454)
    Tournament ladder: https://challonge.com/ru/WWCT2019_2x2_2


    1 place - Царковамария, Vendetvbane, Simbo, команда "НовыйЗавет читаю"(FUN- 2406)
    2 place - Nobodyknowme, Abcpala, Mercedesaxx, команда "Circle Best Server"(FUN-2460)
    3 place - Камранх, Ктонесмыл, Thelupa, команда "krnt"(FUN-2450)
    4 place - Pantech, Skilqq(Fathersoloq), Svettcirkul, команда "Mojet estbudushee"(FUN-2525)
    5 place - Freejzonqq, Dellondie, Gromovergg, команда "ГАСИ ДИНАМЬ ИГНОРЬ"(FUN-2396)
    6 place - Takaxasu, Imnotkarnage, Подпивасник, команда "шаурма за ЗОО"(FUN-2306)
    7 place - Lonestarx, Makesmehappy, Weissmeister, команда "фафыафы"(FUN-2421)
    8 place - Modify, Adelkaz, Manse, команда "go thunder"(FUN-2315)
    Tournament ladder: https://challonge.com/ru/WWCT2019_3x3_2

    Winners of third 2019 2v2 and 3v3 tournaments


    1 place - Vanzanx, Itsflynbruh, команда we still love russians(FUN - 2595)
    2 place - Царковамария, Simbo, команда SUPER PUPER II(FUN - 2627)
    3 place - Hardomex, Yourname, команда ЭЙ ЭЙ ПОКАЖИ ПРИБЫЛЬ(FUN - 2653)
    4 place - Punterzebest, Dellondie, команда Грила Рубака Цепетяг(FUN - 2603)
    5 place - Antiglad, Dreamaway, команда k k k(x100 - 2704)
    6 place - Pomatrosit, Ptnx, команда edyatopodin(FUN - 2601)
    7 place - Denzeckwar, Sexygays, команда Мы сила вы могила(FUN - 2579)
    8 place - Novellax, Getonmylevel, команда piew piew dp mm(FUN - 2573)
    9 place - Цыплёнокцыпа, Шикаря, команда ДИКАРИ"(x100 - 2592)
    10 place - Deus, Miranaz, команда Ирландский дрифт(FUN - 2558) - техническое поражение
    11 place - Onepunchmanx, Татаркавделе, команда С ОДНОГО УДАРА"(FUN - 2507) - дисквалификация и бан
    12 place - Vendetvbane, Плазио, команда Dispelshot(FUN - 2485)
    13 place - Нелутаешь, Pirfekt, команда ANTI SOCIAL ANTIHYPE(x5 - 2514)
    14 place - Clasic, Mnmnmnmnmn, команда АНКСУНАМУН И ИМХОТЭП(FUN - 2467) - дисквалификация и бан
    15 place - Холипомм, Mexeckanec, команда iso urut(FUN - 2443) - дисквалификация и бан
    16 place - Singrave, Blackbetty, команда like we care(FUN - 2536) - техническое поражение, замена: Мощныи, Слабыи, команда Саня Мощныи Игнат Слабыи(FUN - 2438) - дисквалификация и бан
    Tournament ladder: https://challonge.com/ru/WWCT2019_2x2_oct


    1 place - Vanzanx, Blackbetty, Itsflynbruh, команда "thundercleave"(FUN - 2374)
    2 place - Ruhr, Iwannabeazk, Marnerx, команда "etozhephp"(FUN - 2357)
    3 place - Царковамария, Vendetvbane, Simbo, команда "SUPER PUPER"(FUN - 2086)
    4 place - Цыплёнокцыпа, Omegawavex(Korepwnz), Gllobal, команда "OCHEN JOSKA"(x100 - 2077)
    5 place - Antiglad, Плмпилиусдва, Dreamaway, команда "Зк гс"(x100 - 2367)
    6 place - Mayopampamx, Punterzebest, Dellondie, команда "АОЕ МАЧАЙН"(FUN - 2207)
    7 place - Clasic, Olegmad, Ramixpall, команда "sobiratelb rank one"(FUN - 2357)
    8 place - Cyx, Souldess, Kozhanniy, команда "rmp"(FUN - 2205)

    Tournament ladder: https://challonge.com/ru/WWCT2019_3x3_oct

    Winners of fourth 2019 2v2 and 3v3 tournaments


    1 place: Nelex, Ruthlesslord, команда "СОВСЕМ НЕ КОНКУРЕНТЫ"(FUN) - 2718
    2 place: Blackbetty, Evlcuzlv, команда "the fabled BOB"(FUN) - 2612
    3 place: Царковамария, Simbo, команда "НовыйЗавет ключВжизнь"(FUN) - 2652
    4 place: Takano, Aionsx, команда "два рапидфаера СМЭРТЬ"(FUN) - 2598
    5 place: Punterzeboss, Fisyao, команда "FARM TRAIN NO BRAKES"(FUN) - 2718
    6 place: Fersdark, Kappitoshkaa, команда "HUHUHUHUH"(x100) - 2486
    7 place: Кисёшписеш, Dellondie, команда "ВОДИТЕЛЬ НА ЗАВОДЕ"(FUN) - 2673
    8 place: Birmingem, Deadlyvendet, команда "Лучший ретмм"(FUN) - 2604
    9 place: Laynerzy, Dreamful, команда "FakeTaxi driver"(FUN) - 3008
    10 place: Iordgarg, Iordptn, команда "gearing up the lords"(FUN) - 2704 - не явились
    11 place: Krystalhero, Srenix, команда "ewewqa"(FUN) - 2635 - не явились
    12 place: Allmydogsup(Devochkaxgod), Leilyya, команду "MOYA JEHA FEIKAET ORGAZM"(FUN) - 2491
    13 place: Princessadi, Sanddra, команда "NE NU ETO LUZ"(FUN) - 2698
    14 place: Вашпукан, Sexygays, команда "СамарскиеТатары"(FUN) - 2688 - не явились
    15 place: Flyqz, Memhh, команда "BEST SPR IN THE WORLD"(FUN) - 2628
    16 place: Нелутаешь, Pirfekt, команда "СЖИМАЮ ЕЕ ПОПУ"(x5) - 2611
    Tournament ladder: https://challonge.com/ru/WWCT2020_2x2_jan


    1 place: Nobodyknowme, Abcpala, Blackijohn, команда "Pechatka Stun"(FUN) - 2522
    2 place: Khrystalzero, Slayerlordx, Getonmylevel, команда "three thousand rubles"(FUN) - 2430
    3 place: Tsunadex, Пунтерклоун, Ciraxdog, команда "становая тяга"(FUN) - 2382
    4 place: Neaty, Pomatrosit, Dreamful, команда "idkwhatimdoing"(FUN) - 2434
    5 place: Gabeniasreal, Leilyya, Princessadi, команда "sofiezero lul"(FUN) - 2402
    6 place: Царковамария, Vendetvbane, Simbo, команда "НовыйЗавет"(FUN) - 2397
    7 place: Clasic, Olegmad, Ramixpall, команда "sobiratel rank one"(FUN) - 2426
    8 place: Sohardtokill, Dirtymortyx, Teehseus, команда "ЧЕ ПАЦАНЫ КИБЕРСПОРТ"(FUN) - 2394

    Tournament ladder: https://challonge.com/ru/WWCT2019_3x3_jan


    We prepared the list of Grand Tournament participants that consists of people who matched our rules and formed new 2v2 and 3v3 teams for Grand Tournament.

    Participants of Grand Tournament 2v2

    Team 1(FUN):

    Team 2(FUN):

    Team 3(FUN):

    Team 4(FUN):

    Team 5(FUN):

    Team 6(FUN):

    Team 7(FUN):

    Team 8(FUN):

    Team 9(FUN):

    Team 10(FUN):

    Team 11(x100):

    Team 12(FUN):

    Team 13(х100):

    Team 14(FUN):

    Team 15(х5):

    Team 16(FUN):

    Participants of Grand Tournament 3v3

    Team 1(FUN):

    Team 2(FUN):

    Team 3(FUN):

    Team 4(FUN):

    Team 5(FUN):

    Team 6(FUN):

    Team 7(FUN):

    Team 8(FUN):


    Team 9(x100):

    Team 10(x100):

    Team 11(FUN):

    Team 12(FUN):

    Team 13(FUN):

    Tournament date:


    The tournament will be divided into two stages:

    The first stage, first round games of upper and lower ladder are played (below is the example), starting on 27.03.2020 at 16:00 GMT.
    Second stage, all the games left are played, starting on 28.03.2020 at 15:00 GMT.


    The tournament will be held on 29.03.2020 at 15:00 GMT.

    Important information:
    - If someone refuses to take part, their place will be taken by one of spare teams, we ask spare teams to be present by the time of tournament start.
    - Example of ladder 2v2: https://challonge.com/ru/testtour2019 3v3: https://challonge.com/ru/umc5muej, ladders will be updated by the time of tournament start.
    - You must log to your characters in half an hour before the tournament (considering your bracket) and wait for GM.
    - Battles will take place at current cross server and current characters, we realized special arena training mode, also games can be watched with the help of arena spectator from any realm of Logon wotlk.
    - Each round will last till one of the teams wins twice (bo3), not more than three rounds can be played, fourth round is possible only in special and disputable situations (to the GM discretion).
    - If a battle lasts more than 15 minutes (launch timer when you start), it will be finished and both teams lose, if in all the three rounds fight is finished according to the lack of time, additional golden round will define the winner.
    - If the fourth round does not define the winner, team with higher rate in qualification round will go further.
    - Players, who change their IP address (country/city/provider differs from the one during the season) right before the tournament, prepare for questions and understand that you can be rejected.
    - Broadcasters, that do not break rules of our server and want to cast the tournament, contact me via PM.
    - Recommend to read the first post of a thread [click].
    You can watch the tournament in two ways:

    - Using Arena Spectator NPC in a game, that is in Duel Zone/Dalaran/Orgrimmar/Stormwind.
    - At our casters
    See you at the tournament from 27.03.20 till 29.03.20.
    Arena Wotlk 2020: General prize fund 600 000 roubles and 256 000 bonuses + grand tournament.

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

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