Hello i would like to report a horde guild Vanshot po Fotografii for abusing the system of battleground to kick players from alliance side that are "FORCEFULLY" queued in " CROSSFACTION" mode without consent, Main player to be reported is " JENLEDGER" because this is 5th time on my 3 rd char that he is kicking not just me but everyone from alliance side from battleground because he is the main initiator for this issue, first was kicked 2-3 people then me and that is going on for the past month, this is annoying and why do i have to be kicked out of bg and have deserter debuff for 15 minutes i want to play battlegrounds and i don't afk in them! I am asking for them to be punished. https://prnt.sc/rub6bk on this screen you can see that bg didn't even start properly but already removed from it.
This has gone really too much for player to abuse this system to kick people without reason given.