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Opening Cataclysm 4.3.4 x5 - 30.11.19 - Страница 2

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  1. #13
    Получено благодарностей: 23,013 (сообщений: 12,196).
    Репутация: 33229

    After daily reboot on 29.04.2020 at 07:05 GMT, the following content will become available for Cataclysm 4.3.4 x5 players:

    - New heroic dungeon "End Time" - break through timeline and find out what happens to Azeroth if Deathwing wins;

    - New heroic dungeon "Well of Eternity" - return to the beginnings of time and view destruction of the first magic well with legendary characters: Illidan Stromrage, Malfurion and Tyrande;

    - New heroic dungeon "Hour of Twilight" - Help Thrall cover tough way and supply the Dragon Soul to fight with Deathwing to the Dragonblight Temple;

    You will find 378 item level reward in all the dungeons.

    Would like to note that 4.3 content launch will be gradual, Dragon Soul in normal mode and currency conversion will take place on 15-20 May, heroic mode of DS is planned 2-3 weeks after opening normal mode.

    Последний раз редактировалось Aleksun; 29.04.2020 в 19:31.

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

  2. #14
    Получено благодарностей: 23,013 (сообщений: 12,196).
    Репутация: 33229

    Promo page/registration
    In the evening of 22.05.20 at 15:00 GMT, the following content will become available for Cataclysm 4.3.4 x5 players:

    - New raid zone "Dragon Soul" - available to raid groups of 10 or 25 players in normal mode, heroic mode will be available in 10-14 days;
    - Added new T13 tier sets, that can be obtained from "Dragon Soul";
    - Darkmoon Faire moves to Darkmoon Island, where you will find numerous dangers and funny adventures!;
    - "Alizabal" will be added to "Baradin Hold";
    - Added A11 sets in view of a new arena season;
    - Added new recepies and blueprints for professions;
    - Added new legendary item - https://www.wowhead.com/item-set=108...-of-the-father, that can be obtained for completing a quest chain, available to Rogues.

    Currency conversion:

    - All the Valor Points will be converted into Justice Points with maximum cap of 4000 points.
    If general amount exceeds this limit - Valor points will be converted into gold (47 silver per one point).

    - All the Conquest will be converted into Honor with maximum cap of 4000 points.
    If general amount exceeds this limit - points will be converted into gold (35 silver per one point).
    For example you had 3300 justice points and 1600 valor points. With launch of 4.2 all valor points will be converted into justice.
    Altogether you will have 4000 justice points and 0 valor points. 900 points above the 4000 limit will be converted into gold (47 silver per 1 point, 0,47*900). At this rate you will receive 423 gold compensation.

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

  3. #15
    Получено благодарностей: 23,013 (сообщений: 12,196).
    Репутация: 33229
    05.06.2020 at 15:00 GMT, Dragon Soul in heroic 10 and 25 people mode will become available for WoWCircle 4.3.4 х5 players.

    Besides DS heroic launch, exp rates will be increased in 2 times from 05.06.20 till 12.06.20 , honor and reputation rates in 1,5 times from current rates.


    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

  4. #16
    Получено благодарностей: 23,013 (сообщений: 12,196).
    Репутация: 33229
    27.06.20 at 13:00 GMT LFR (raid finder) became available for Cataclysm 4.3.4 x5 players, to queue press Ctrl+I, or mask button:

    - Choose "Raid Finder".

    - Choose your role/raid and click "Find group".


    QUESTION: Raids aren’t dungeons. Who will keep things organized?
    ANSWER: A Raid Finder raid will require someone to queue as leader. The Raid Finder leader will have a very limited set of powers and cannot change loot type, nor do they have the ability to arbitrarily kick people from the raid. They do have the ability to mark targets and use /raid warning, and can promote other players to be leads as well. To be most successful, each Raid Finder group should have at least one leader who will explain the fights, assign raid markers, and make the tough calls, like who the main tank and off-tanks are.

    QUESTION: How will loot be distributed?
    ANSWER: Automatic rolls and a special version of the Need Before Greed loot rules will apply in Raid Finder raids, just as they do in Dungeon Finder instances. Also, while Dungeon Finder raids aren’t locked, you are only eligible for loot from a boss once per week. This means that if you were present for the defeat of a boss, whether you receive loot or not, then you will automatically pass on loot that drops during later attempts on that boss during the same week.

    QUESTION: How will Raid Finder loot differ?
    ANSWER: Loot acquired through the Raid Finder, including tier set pieces, will be of a lower item level than items acquired from normal or heroic mode versions of the Dragon Soul raid, and its appearance may differ. Also, there are certain items, as well as components for legendary weapons, which will not drop in Raid Finder raids. While individual bosses will not yield Valor Points as they would in other versions of the raid, you can still earn 250 Valor Points for beating the final boss in each wing of the instance.
    Tier armor that drops in Raid Finder raids still provides set bonuses, and those bonuses are compatible with the higher item level versions of the armor available in the normal and heroic mode versions of the raid. None of these tier sets will be available for purchase from a vendor via Valor Points.

    QUESTION: Will there be an item level requirement to use the Raid Finder?
    ANSWER: Yes, accessing raids via the Raid Finder will require that participating characters be level 85 and have attained a certain item level, to help ensure that they are prepared for the content they’ll be facing.

    QUESTION: What kind of raid composition will the Raid Finder create?
    ANSWER: Each Raid Finder raid will include two tanks, six healers, and seventeen damage dealers. As the raid is assembled, the Raid Finder will attempt to balance the group according to armor type, which should help ensure a healthy mix of melee and ranged dps.

    QUESTION: Why 25-player only?
    ANSWER: A 25-player group is actually easier and faster to fill than a smaller group would be, and allows for greater flexibility in raid creation, all of which will help contribute to lower queue times. Also, 25-player raids are less subject to issues with composition or player connectivity.
    The Raid Finder version of the Dragon Soul raid will be designed with pick-up raiding in mind. Normal and heroic difficulties will require the greater organization and teamwork found in guild raid groups.

    QUESTION: Will I get Call to Arms benefits when using the Raid Finder?
    ANSWER: We don’t currently plan to apply Call to Arms benefits to the Raid Finder, though that may change in the future.

    QUESTION: Will I be locked to a raid I join through the Raid Finder?
    ANSWER: Since the Raid Finder only offers access exclusively to a specially tuned version of the Dragon Soul raid instance, instance locks will not be enforced for that version. Instance locks will still be enforced for the normal and heroic versions of the raid.

    QUESTION: Can I queue with my friends in a party or raid?
    ANSWER: Yes, you can queue for the Raid Finder individually, in a party, or in a raid. The Raid Finder can be a great tool to help fill those last few slots in a raid.

    QUESTION: I’m a dedicated raider with an organized group, what good is the Raid Finder to me?
    ANSWER: Since instance locks aren’t in play, Raid Finder raids could provide a way for dedicated raiders to gear up alternate characters, fill gaps in their itemization, finish off elusive set bonuses, or just have some fun while preparing to face the normal or heroic version of the raid on the next reset.

    QUESTION: Why aren’t other raids available?
    ANSWER: The Raid Finder is intended to help players experience the current tier of content. Also, many older raids don’t require a full complement of raiders, making the Raid Finder unnecessary. This is also the first rollout of the feature and we decided to start things simple, rather than potentially delay the feature’s introduction.
    If the Raid Finder proves popular, more raid instances may be added to it in the future.

    QUESTION: Will Vote Kick still work in the Raid Finder?
    ANSWER: Yes, though many of the same requirements and restrictions will be in place. For example, kicking too many times can result in a Vote Kick cooldown. Also, the thresholds are different, and several players will need to agree on kicking a candidate before the vote begins. Successful kick votes will require a significant number of Yes votes to pass.

    QUESTION: What happens if I leave a Raid Finder raid before it’s over?
    ANSWER: Players who leave the Raid prematurely will receive a Deserter Debuff, though it will likely be of longer duration than the one applied to users of the Dungeon Finder. This debuff will only apply to the Raid Finder system.

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

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