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Cata 2 factor authentication

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  1. #1
    Получено благодарностей: 0 (сообщений: 0).
    Репутация: 0

    2 factor authentication

    . Wow Circle 4.3.4 x5
    . characters on the account : Bahaelamrii(horde-orc-shaman)/bahaelamri(alliance-worgen-druid)/behaelamri(horde-orc-hunter)
    . account login : elamribaha
    . Date of last entry : 11/06/20
    . description :
    On the Wednesday of 10th June I went and setup 2 factor authentication, followed every step and received an email to confirm, which I clicked and confirmed

    I think exactly 24 hours later, when I relogged my account and log back in, the game prompts me to enter the authentication code, which I do but it says code is invalid

    I made sure to do some troubleshooting in google forums and followed everything they said to try, unfortunately I also didn't save the backup code, I have access to the account's email, know the characters, everything, so I can prove that I am the rightful owner of the account

    I might add that, what prompted me to even do the 2 factor authentication was that I couldn't disenchant high level items (epic) and someone told me I needed to do this

    Is it possible to remove the 2 factor authentication, thank you

    . i don't have screenshots
    Последний раз редактировалось elamribaha; 11.06.2020 в 10:23.

  2. #2
    Игровой мастер WoTLK x100, BfA x11 & Shadowlands x5 Аватар для EvTech
    Получено благодарностей: 3,243 (сообщений: 2,093).
    Репутация: 8741
    Fill this form and send it to https://forum.wowcircle.net/member.php?u=193292 via PM
    1. Logon and real you played at;
    2. Nicknames of characters on an account with class/race;
    3. Login;
    4. E-mail;
    5. Last login date;
    6. Issue description and 2FA codes that you used;
    7. Gameplay screenshots of your characters (8 or more).
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