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General view on the x1 WotLK realm, and some questions

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  1. #1
    Получено благодарностей: 0 (сообщений: 0).
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    General view on the x1 WotLK realm, and some questions

    Hello, i am not a Russian player, so excuse me for typing in English. First of all, I really like the idea of your x1 server. I see a lot of people complaining about x1, but there is 100 fun or high rate servers which are dead/nearly dead on other projects and not a single pure blizzlike wotlk realm that is progressive. With that said i do have some questions.
    1. Concerning donations, I don't mind people donating for items, as it keeps the server up, but for example, it would be much better for the PVE aspect of the realm if you could not buy items which are in the current raid tier. How exactly will this work?
    2. Difficulty of encouners. I asked about this some time ago, but at that point nothing was decided concretely. I believe that tier 7 needs a huge buff to make it fun - take for example buffs to this tier on *******/dalaran wow. Buffing other tiers a bit is not a bad idea either. What will be your decision on this?
    Thank you for making a great progressive realm, I am sure a lot of international players will play here as well. See you on 23rd.

  2. #2
    Игровой мастер WoTLK x100, BfA x11 & Shadowlands x5 Аватар для EvTech
    Получено благодарностей: 3,253 (сообщений: 2,103).
    Репутация: 8751
    Greetings, as for the info you're interested in:
    1. No item donations are planned from the beginning. Items will be added gradually, depending on how players can deal with the actual tier content (item prices will be higher than on x5).
    2. We can not provide any information about this now, but in general it's highly doubtful.
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