1. https://wowroad.info/?npc=15137
2. заселены
3. не должны быть заселены, призываются скриптом https://ru.wowhead.com/npc=15137/%D0...glish-comments
4. logon x1 15.02.2021От DrCheis (50,345 – 6·38·411) 14.09.2007 (Обновление 2.1.3)
They are the guards who spawn when a Horde payer draws agro from a civilian.
40551 29.09.2007 (Обновление 2.1.3)
As soon as you see one of the civilians say, in Common, "Goibon Uden lo," that's your cue to flee (unless you can take these on) as that will summon them.
5. всегда