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Исправлено Штормград - Эдис Бром и Кристоф Фарал

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  1. #1
    Game Master Cataclysm

    Game master x5 WoTLK

    Game Master x2 TBC Аватар для Сатана

    Получено благодарностей: 1,490 (сообщений: 1,263).
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    Post Штормград - Эдис Бром и Кристоф Фарал

    1. https://ru.wowhead.com/npc=1478 и https://ru.wowhead.com/npc=1477
    2. Отсутствует вейпоинт и фразы
    3. Должны ходить по маршруту вдвоём (не разъёдиняясь) и выговаривать фразы: (к сожалению, знаю только английские)
    От Ketho (32,161 – 9·81·299) 2010-05-12 (Обновление 3.3.3)
    Aedis Brom and Christoph Faral both say 3 randomized lines. Those lines are not character specific; either of them could be saying any of those lines
    @ The Pig and Whistle Tavern
    Christoph Faral: A warm tavern and a cold ale. What more could we ask for?
    Aedis Brom: Hey Reese, give me an' Christoph another round.
    1st Line:
    Ahh the Glustewelt twins!
    Battling that band of Twilight Hammer in the Morass, I could think of better places for a war.
    I miss the dwarven ale we used to get at that inn in Lordaeron. Remember that fight we started there?
    Less than a hundred of us, and over a thousand orcs. Only a handful of us managed to walk away from that one.
    Remember when Danath gathered all the mercenaries of Stormwind together and we marched to fight at Nethergarde?
    The best had to have been the look on Perenolde's face when our army comes marchin' right up to his front door. What a battle!
    I tell ye, I don't miss the Great War at all. I remember when we fought at Darrowmere. All night in the fog, lying in a muddy trench.
    2nd Line:
    I still have the scars from that night.
    Broke both me legs that night. How could I forget?
    Aye and thanks for letting me carry my own hand back to the priests that night.
    I woke up in a bed in Northshire three weeks later. Don't remember a damn thing.
    Wasn't that the night we had to pick up my thumb and carry it in your smoke pouch?
    Was that the third or fourth time you nearly got me gutted trying one of your crazy stunts?
    I have a piece of iron in my back that will remind me of that night for the rest of my days.
    Course I remember that night. Two inches to the left and you'd be drinking with that elf, Morris. That was my best shirt, too.
    3rd Line:
    Hehe, wimp.
    It all worked out in the end.
    Never seen anyone move so fast in my whole life.
    Let's not even begin comparing battle scars, my friend.
    You screamed like a little girl, funniest thing I ever saw.
    You can thank me anytime for making your life more interesting.
    You are constantly surprising me with what a person can live through.
    Well, you're still here. I'd say that is something worth drinking to.
    4. х100, всегда
    5. 4/10

  2. #2
    Гуру Аватар для gssft
    Получено благодарностей: 113 (сообщений: 86).
    Репутация: 710

    Кристоф Фарал, Эдис Бром

    1. https://cata.wowroad.info/?npc=1478
    2. поломаны веипонты, не реализованы реплики
    3. должны идти от торгового квартала в таверну в старом город, где и начинаются их диалоги
    От Ketho (32,637 – 9·82·299) 2010-05-12 (Обновление 3.3.3)
    Aedis Brom and Christoph Faral both say 3 randomized lines. Those lines are not character specific; either of them could be saying any of those lines
    @ The Pig and Whistle Tavern

    Christoph Faral: A warm tavern and a cold ale. What more could we ask for?
    Aedis Brom: Hey Reese, give me an' Christoph another round.

    1st Line:

    Ahh the Glustewelt twins!
    Battling that band of Twilight Hammer in the Morass, I could think of better places for a war.
    I miss the dwarven ale we used to get at that inn in Lordaeron. Remember that fight we started there?
    Less than a hundred of us, and over a thousand orcs. Only a handful of us managed to walk away from that one.
    Remember when Danath gathered all the mercenaries of Stormwind together and we marched to fight at Nethergarde?
    The best had to have been the look on Perenolde's face when our army comes marchin' right up to his front door. What a battle!
    I tell ye, I don't miss the Great War at all. I remember when we fought at Darrowmere. All night in the fog, lying in a muddy trench.

    2nd Line:

    I still have the scars from that night.
    Broke both me legs that night. How could I forget?
    Aye and thanks for letting me carry my own hand back to the priests that night.
    I woke up in a bed in Northshire three weeks later. Don't remember a damn thing.
    Wasn't that the night we had to pick up my thumb and carry it in your smoke pouch?
    Was that the third or fourth time you nearly got me gutted trying one of your crazy stunts?
    I have a piece of iron in my back that will remind me of that night for the rest of my days.
    Course I remember that night. Two inches to the left and you'd be drinking with that elf, Morris. That was my best shirt, too.

    3rd Line:

    Hehe, wimp.
    It all worked out in the end.
    Never seen anyone move so fast in my whole life.
    Let's not even begin comparing battle scars, my friend.
    You screamed like a little girl, funniest thing I ever saw.
    You can thank me anytime for making your life more interesting.
    You are constantly surprising me with what a person can live through.
    Well, you're still here. I'd say that is something worth drinking to.
    4. ката х5 сегодня
    Последний раз редактировалось gssft; 05.01.2020 в 14:15.

  3. #3
    Разработчик БД Аватар для СЭРГО
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