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Исправлено Приверженец культа - Стрела смертельной стужи

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  1. #1
    Получено благодарностей: 979 (сообщений: 454).
    Репутация: 1349

    Post Приверженец культа - Стрела смертельной стужи

    1. Стрела смертельной стужи
    2. Кастует с заметным интервалом.
    [14:40:23.286] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:41:07.264] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:41:08.132] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:41:08.616] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:42:37.491] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:42:40.148] Приверженец культа Стрела смертельной стужи Непутаймасть 3596 (A: 3875, R: 3201)
    [14:42:47.763] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:42:50.074] Приверженец культа Стрела смертельной стужи Непутаймасть Absorb (9544)
    [14:42:59.983] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:43:02.297] Приверженец культа Стрела смертельной стужи Непутаймасть 6975 (R: 2988)
    [14:43:10.047] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:43:11.008] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:43:11.970] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:43:12.486] Приверженец культа Стрела смертельной стужи Непутаймасть 3303 (R: 825)
    [14:43:13.416] Приверженец культа Стрела смертельной стужи Непутаймасть Absorb (4299)
    [14:43:22.967] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:43:23.771] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:43:23.875] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:43:25.525] Приверженец культа Стрела смертельной стужи Непутаймасть 8713 (R: 2178)
    [14:43:26.541] Приверженец культа Стрела смертельной стужи Непутаймасть 7939 (R: 1984)
    [14:43:26.866] Приверженец культа Стрела смертельной стужи Непутаймасть 9234 (R: 1026)
    [14:43:32.171] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:43:33.823] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:43:34.625] Приверженец культа Стрела смертельной стужи Непутаймасть 7495 (R: 3212)
    [14:43:36.212] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:43:36.309] Приверженец культа Стрела смертельной стужи Непутаймасть 7908 (R: 1977)
    [14:43:38.611] Приверженец культа Стрела смертельной стужи Непутаймасть 4780 (A: 4355, R: 1015)
    [14:43:45.116] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:43:46.327] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:43:47.400] Приверженец культа Стрела смертельной стужи Непутаймасть 6426 (A: 3117, R: 1060)
    [14:43:48.467] Приверженец культа begins to cast Стрела смертельной стужи
    [14:43:48.896] Приверженец культа Стрела смертельной стужи Непутаймасть 3649 (A: 4564, R: 2053)
    [14:43:50.863] Приверженец культа Стрела смертельной стужи Непутаймасть 8058 (R: 2014)
    3. Должен кастовать спелл без пауз.
    Официальные сервера
    [17:33:11.407] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:12.635] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:12.635] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:14.714] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:16.405] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Hibyez 7107 (R: 1163)
    [17:33:16.441] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Vitiositas Absorb (8999)
    [17:33:16.634] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:17.028] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Martlol 9019 (R: 1205)
    [17:33:19.051] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:19.092] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:19.644] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Kuznam 9919 (R: 2482)
    [17:33:20.258] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:21.855] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:22.004] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Kuznam 9668 (R: 2419)
    [17:33:22.508] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Lenklume 8519 (R: 1220)
    [17:33:22.656] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:24.906] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Lenklume 7287 (R: 4025)
    [17:33:25.145] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:25.466] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:27.774] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Lenklume Absorb (9837)
    [17:33:27.889] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:27.897] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:28.770] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Kuznam Absorb (9847)
    [17:33:30.689] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:31.689] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Afx 7811 (A: 1953, R: 2516)
    [17:33:33.107] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:34.184] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Mirror Image 5427 (O: 5167, R: 1177)
    [17:33:35.499] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:38.314] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:39.116] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Mirror Image 4528 (O: 5988, R: 2629)
    [17:33:39.522] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:41.962] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:43.278] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Mirror Image 4780 (O: 8141)
    [17:33:44.339] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:46.742] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:47.958] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Afx 4885 (A: 3896, R: 3880)
    [17:33:50.347] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Afx 9344 (A: 2336, R: 1338)
    [17:33:54.779] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:57.214] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:33:58.337] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Martlol Absorb (9939)
    [17:33:59.650] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:00.832] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:01.210] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Martlol Absorb (7056)
    [17:34:03.008] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Reinitass 5890 (A: 2612, R: 2331)
    [17:34:03.194] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:03.589] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:03.621] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:03.621] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:05.381] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Lenklume Absorb (9360)
    [17:34:05.680] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:06.023] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:06.660] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Kuznam Absorb (10690)
    [17:34:08.066] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:08.662] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Martlol 3216 (A: 5312, R: 2564)
    [17:34:09.034] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Kuznam 8013 (A: 1173, R: 3941)
    [17:34:10.377] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Lenklume 11994
    [17:34:10.531] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:42.934] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:42.934] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:43.320] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:45.625] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Afx 7777 (A: 1944, R: 2505)
    [17:34:46.929] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:48.674] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:49.361] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:49.758] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:49.758] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:49.901] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Notfur 10018 (R: 2507)
    [17:34:50.968] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:51.123] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Martlol 4783 (R: 2623)
    [17:34:51.990] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Rogerina 4105 (A: 3706, R: 2600)
    [17:34:52.159] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:52.288] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Notfur 8929 (R: 3830)
    [17:34:52.581] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:52.581] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:53.635] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Reinitass 7139 (R: 5220)
    [17:34:54.558] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:54.750] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Rogerina 8634 (R: 2529)
    [17:34:54.993] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Notfur 10182 (R: 2548)
    [17:34:54.993] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:54.993] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:56.489] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Reinitass 8532 (R: 2339)
    [17:34:57.325] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Notfur 8247 (R: 3538)
    [17:34:57.382] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:57.382] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:34:58.973] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Reinitass 9010 (R: 2470)
    [17:34:59.784] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:35:00.208] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:35:00.327] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Notfur 8989 (R: 3856)
    [17:35:01.369] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Reinitass 8915 (R: 2444)
    [17:35:02.183] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:35:02.546] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Notfur 8757 (R: 3757)
    [17:35:04.188]  Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Reinitass 6825 (R: 4990)
    [17:35:04.769] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Afx 7231 (A: 1808, R: 2330)
    [17:35:27.098] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:35:27.488] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:35:29.712] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Lenklume 718 (A: 6471, R: 2316)
    [17:35:30.281] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Stella Absorb (8740)
    [17:35:30.310] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:35:31.933] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:35:33.408] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Stella 9606 (R: 2634)
    [17:35:33.917] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:35:34.090] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Farthammer 2449 (A: 10778)
    [17:35:34.310] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:35:35.521] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:35:36.167] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Konage 10227 (R: 2391)
    [17:35:36.474] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Farthammer 10097 (R: 2360)
    [17:35:38.347] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:35:39.386] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Neyor 9515 (R: 2666)
    [17:35:42.374] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:35:45.990] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:35:46.233] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Neyor 10640 (R: 1325)
    [17:35:53.575] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:35:55.750] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Konage 10073 (R: 2473)
    [17:36:12.042] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:36:14.349] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Rogerina 8098 (R: 2372)
    [17:36:14.469] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:36:20.881] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:36:23.310] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:36:24.061] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Notfur Resist (2647)
    [17:36:56.629] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:36:58.639] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:36:59.059] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:36:59.188] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Rogerina Absorb (8718)
    [17:37:04.666] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:37:05.475] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:37:07.072] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:37:07.240] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Konage 11031 (R: 1203)
    [17:37:07.684] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Rogerina Absorb (8855)
    [17:37:07.877] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:37:09.964] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Konage 10937 (R: 2685)
    [17:37:10.048] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Rogerina 7248 (A: 1925, R: 2687)
    [17:37:10.281] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:37:10.668] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:37:13.325] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Konage 11674 (R: 1274)
    [17:37:13.490] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:37:42.810] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:37:45.236] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Rogerina 8969 (R: 2627)
    [17:37:45.366] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:37:47.446] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Rogerina 9108
    [17:37:49.225] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:37:54.048] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:37:56.246] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Farthammer 11203 (R: 1164)
    [17:38:26.598] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:38:27.375] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:38:28.846] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Rogerina 7210 (A: 758, R: 2334)
    [17:38:28.995] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:38:31.237] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Rogerina 9008 (R: 1172)
    [17:38:32.987] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:38:33.795] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:38:35.237] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Rogerina 2025 (A: 5974, R: 2343)
    [17:38:35.389] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:38:37.797] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Rogerina 4738 (A: 3331, R: 2363)
    [17:38:37.825] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:38:39.019] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:38:40.196] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Rogerina 7260 (A: 3379)
    [17:38:40.227] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:38:41.443] Cult Adherent Deathchill Bolt Rogerina 3581 (A: 4767, R: 2445)
    [17:38:41.443] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:39:11.570] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:39:14.765] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    [17:39:21.180] Cult Adherent begins to cast Deathchill Bolt
    Цитата Сообщение от Shnel Посмотреть сообщение
    Ваншотнул Сурфанга в 25 хм, а так же бурей зацепило мейн танка, тоже помер, скрин не выложу, а то банан.
    Цитата Сообщение от Netherheal Посмотреть сообщение
    Кап защиты: 560 для цлк+рс, а не 540. 540 только для ргеров. в ЦЛК лвл боссов 85.

  2. 2 пользователей сказали cпасибо SPace0000 за это полезное сообщение:

    Intruder (25.12.2018),Kric_Von (23.11.2021)

  3. #2
    Получено благодарностей: 1,290 (сообщений: 808).
    Репутация: 4203
    Исправлено, заработает после обновления.

  4. 1 пользователь сказал cпасибо Intruder за это полезное сообщение:

    Kric_Von (23.11.2021)

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    от в разделе Отклонено Wotlk
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    Последнее сообщение: 22.10.2020, 16:46

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