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Подтверждено Шипы

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Тема: Шипы

  1. #1
    Гуру Аватар для GoodbyeJoy
    Получено благодарностей: 250 (сообщений: 132).
    Репутация: 4400

    Post Шипы

    1. https://wowroad.info/?spell=53307
    а) Шипы игнорируют и наносят урон через абсорб
    б) Прокает в абсорбы
    в) Игнорирует устойчивость
    г) Урон шипов рассчитывается в реальном времени
    д) Более сильный эффект шипов перебивается более слабым
    а) Шипы не должны игнорировать абсорб
    б) Шипы не должны срабатывать, если урон ушел в абсорб
    в) Не должны игнорировать устойчивость
    г) Урон шипов должен рассчитываться в момент наложения спелла
    д) Баф с более сильным эффектом шипов не должен перебиваться бафом с более слабым эффектом
    4. Logon, fun 3.3.5
    5. Баги были всегда, базовые баги тринити.

    а) Пункт "а" и "б" не перепутайте, там 2 разных случая. В пункте "а" идет речь, когда игрок под абсорбом бьет игрока с шипами без абсорба. В этом случае урон шипов должен уходить в абсорб. Сейчас же просто идет урон, игнорируя абсорб.

    7:37, рога под абсорбом бьет друида, по гладиусу 100% хп



    б) В пункте "б" идет речь, когда игрок бьет игрока с шипами и абсорбом. В этом случае шипы не должны срабатывать, если урон ушел в абсорб. Аналогично ретрибьюшн ауре, которую уже фиксили.
    Рога бьет ферала в абсорбах, корни не наносят урона роге

    3:54, базовый урон шипов - 73, на видео по роге дамажит 66 урона

    7:38, по 55


    г, д)
    The damage dealt by Thorns is increased by the casting druid's spell power at the time of casting

    As Thorns benefits from your spell power at the time of casting, you can activate any trinkets that increase spell power and equip items with high spell power before casting it to maximize the effect. This is especially useful for feral druids with the Glyph of Thorns, as they can equip their Balance or Restoration gear before casting the spell, and will then receive the benefit for a full hour before needing to recast it.

    When refreshing Thorns on yourself, you may sometimes get the error message, 'A more powerful spell is already active.' This is understandable if the initial buff was cast by a different druid with a higher rank of the spell or talents to increase its potency, but may be confusing when it was you who cast the spell. The reason for this error message is that Thorns benefits from the druid's spell power at the time it was cast, not at the time of the hit. Thus, casting Thorns on yourself while at a higher spell damage (such as with a trinket activated) will make it impossible to refresh the buff without first right-clicking it off if your spell power has dropped down. Some buffs and items may temporarily increase spell power, causing this to occur. If using similar items or abilities with short cooldowns, it would be best to max out spell power before casting Thorns to get the maximum effect out of it.
    i do the same when i'm just wasting time, say when i'm waiting on someone to help summon the lazy people
    pop into moonkin, spam something on a mob or dummy till i get several SP procs then pop thorns and go back to bear
    it's not really needed but while i'm waiting around i might as well do it instead of leaning back in my chair
    Thorns buff does not fade on respec and it does indeed stay the same strength as when it was cast (and since it does get effected by SP - casting in resto gear/spec then shifting is a good idea)
    The buff doesnt fade on respec and it uses the spellpower on cast.
    However i believe if you cast the buff while talented in Brambles for the increased damage and then respec where you no longer have the talent... even though the buff stays on you do not maintain the higher damage from the talents.
    So only talent it if you actually plan to use it in that talent spec
    I switch to healing-gear in tank-spec, buff myself with Thorns (yay for 130 ticks!) and go back to tank-gear.
    Or I just get the resto-druids to cast it on me.
    the above post regarding brambles and changing specs is correct, it will not remove the buff but it will remove any benefit from the talent
    the only buffs that will be removed upon spec change seem to be buffs learned from a talent such as seal of command or blessing of sanctuary and raidwide buffs such as greater blessings, prayers, and gift of the wild type abilities
    This is also why you get the annoying "A more powerful spell is already active" thing when trying to refresh a thorns.
    You could buff yourself with thorns in your healset!
    I believe that reflect damage scales with the spellpower of the person it's on, so buffing it in your healset won't do the trick, neither will getting the buff from somebody else.
    Or at least, it did in tbc, because I was doing awesome reflections with a lvl 20 paladin's ret aura which I was boosting.
    I like the idea though, but they should also make it last very long for ferals then, since noone wants to swap in and out every 2 minutes or so. (What's the duration nowadays? 10 mins? still too short)
    I just tried it, and in my feral set, it was doing the same damage as it did with my healingset.
    A tiny nuisance I've noticed in that regard; you wont be able to buff thorns on yourself afterwards when back in feral gear (unless removing it manually) due to 'a more powerful spell is already active' :p
    -It used to, but they changed it sometime in WotLK. Now it goes by the spellpower you had when you cast it.
    So yes, there is benefit to swapping to spellpower gear before buffing yourself, or to having your local moonkin do it for you.
    -Just logged in and tested.

    Buffing Thorns on myself In my...
    -Feral set, deals 75dmg to attackers
    -Resto set, deals 150dmg to attackers
    (Switching Back into my feral set after buffing, and going bear form btw)
    Looks promising.
    Последний раз редактировалось GoodbyeJoy; 13.05.2022 в 15:27.

  2. 1 пользователь сказал cпасибо GoodbyeJoy за это полезное сообщение:

    Animagus (17.08.2022)

  3. #2
    Активист Аватар для Mrfuskoff
    Получено благодарностей: 12 (сообщений: 9).
    Репутация: 12
    Пункт "Б" можно удалять. Читаем описание шипов "за каждую атаку", а не за полученый урон
    Шерстя <Druid>
    Moonbear <Druid>
    MrFuskoff <Warrior>

  4. #3
    Гуру Аватар для GoodbyeJoy
    Получено благодарностей: 250 (сообщений: 132).
    Репутация: 4400
    Цитата Сообщение от Mrfuskoff Посмотреть сообщение
    Пункт "Б" можно удалять.
    Нет, нельзя
    Цитата Сообщение от Mrfuskoff Посмотреть сообщение
    Читаем описание шипов
    Смотрим пруфы на видео, тултипы сам читай.

  5. #4
    Получено благодарностей: 2,936 (сообщений: 1,728).
    Репутация: 32562
    Цитата Сообщение от GoodbyeJoy Посмотреть сообщение
    а) Шипы игнорируют и наносят урон через абсорб
    Это исправлено.

  6. 1 пользователь сказал cпасибо Animagus за это полезное сообщение:

    GoodbyeJoy (17.08.2022)

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