More information about an accident:
- Yesterday at 22:30 (GMT+3) sever with BfA x11 database encountered hard drive failure, that caused data breakage, players staying in a game could see losing nearly everything in a random order: characters, items, auction, guilds - this lasted for about an hour before we turned the server off to solve this issue.
- After completing hard drive diagnostics server was quickly moved to a nearby hardware so that we could transfer all the data.
- We checked data integrity and restored damaged tables, we managed to restore 99.99% data, except some guild parts, we tried to save them for a few hours but failed.
- Server started at night and became available to play after 2:00 am (GMT+3).
Compensation for the accident:
- We charged 500 bonuses to accounts, active in BfA CP (had at least 1 bonus balance previously) and contained 120 level character in a guild.
* if you did not get your bonuses today in automatic mode, we lack your DB data that meet the listed criteria, we will not charge bonuses manually.
- Starting from 24.08.22 (after planned reboot at 06:00 GMT+3) all main rates (including exp, drop, reputation, professions etc.) will be increased in 1,5-2 times, this will be actual until 01.09.22.
- Starting from 23.08.22 and until 01.09.22 quick start for 1 bonus will be available in a control panel at our web.
If we come up with something about this issue, we will inform separately.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.