1. НИП: https://www.wowhead.com/ru/npc=3678
Муйон кричит: At last! Naralex can be awakened! Come aid me, brave adventurers!
Муйон кричит: I must make the necessary preparations before the awakening ritual can begin. You must protect me!
Муйон кричит: These caverns were once a temple of promise for regrowth in the Barrens. Now, they are the halls of nightmares.
Муйон кричит: Attacked! Help get this ЗАГАДОЧНЫЙ ОПУСТОШИТЕЛЬ off of me!
Муйон кричит: Come. We must continue. There is much to be done before we can pull Naralex from his nightmare.
Муйон кричит: Attacked! Help get this ЗАГАДОЧНЫЙ ОПУСТОШИТЕЛЬ off of me!
Муйон кричит: Attacked! Help get this ЗАГАДОЧНЫЙ СТРАЖ off of me
Муйон кричит: The caverns have been purified. To Naralex's chamber we go!
Муйон кричит: Beyond this corridor, Naralex lies in fitful sleep. Let us go awaken him before it is too late.
Муйон кричит: Protect me brave souls as I delve into this Emerald Dream to rescue Naralex and put an end to this corruption!
Муйон begins to perform the awakening ritual on Naralex.
Наралекс tosses fitfully in troubled sleep.
Муйон кричит: Attacked! Help get this ЗАГАДОЧНАЯ БОЛОТНАЯ ГАДЮКА off of me!
Наралекс writhes in agony. The Disciple seems to be breaking through
Наралекс dreams up a horrendous vision. Something stirs beneath the murky waters.
Муйон кричит: This Mutanus the Devourer is a minion from Naralex's nightmare no doubt!
2.2 У НИП-а gossip_menu_option на EU.
3. Локализовать.
4. Legion/x4