Al iniciar a realizar las misiones de "Unir las Islas", cuando me dirijo al Alto de Krasus en Dalaran, no aparecen los NPC para inciiar las cadenas de Highmountain y Stormhein para poder iniciarlas y conseguir la reputacion.
Al iniciar a realizar las misiones de "Unir las Islas", cuando me dirijo al Alto de Krasus en Dalaran, no aparecen los NPC para inciiar las cadenas de Highmountain y Stormhein para poder iniciarlas y conseguir la reputacion.
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Hello, I have come to do the missions with my character Warlock Athemys regarding the mission "Unite the islands", I already achieved 3 of the 5 reputations, but at the time of taking the missions of HighMountain and Storheim, you do not see the NPCs that would deliver the initial missions to be able to perform missions and raise the reputation, could verify, attached screenshots. Additionally the weapon does not level up with the relics. Thanks.Вложение 1049677